
  1. 功耗低,用两块12V汽车电瓶可连续工作24小时;

    Lower power consumption . Two DC 12V rechargeable batteries can be used to operate the system continuously for 24 hours ;

  2. 本文利用Dynaform板料成形软件的动态显式与静态隐式联合求解功能,模拟了汽车电瓶支座冲压弯曲成形和卸载回弹变形整个过程。

    The bending and springback process of auto battery holder have been simulated by applying the dynamic explicit-static implicit united solving function of non-linear FEM of DYNAFORM .

  3. 通过太阳能给汽车电瓶充电。

    Trickle charge your vehicle battery with solar powers .

  4. 我们公司是专业生产汽车电瓶夹的。

    We are specialized in producing battery terminals which complete specifications and the quality is reliable .

  5. 内置三道保护开关,当汽车电路短路、电瓶电压偏低或电流偏大、尾板超载等情况出现时可有效避免造成电路或马达的烧毁。

    Built-in three-protect switch , when the vehicle a short circuit , low battery voltage or current is too large , tail plate overload occurs can effectively avoid the circuit or the motor burning .

  6. 本实用新型涉及一种加热汽车车座,包括车座和电瓶,在车座中间位置处设有加热装置,且加热装置与汽车的电瓶相连。

    The utility model relates to a heating vehicle seat , which comprises a seat and a battery , wherein a heating device connected with the battery is arranged at the middle of the seat .

  7. 汽车修理厂的人说要给我的汽车电瓶充电。

    The man in the garage said he would charge up my car battery .