
  • 网络Tools;maintenance tools;Preinst.exe
  1. 本文介绍了自行开发的维护工具及补充软件的主要功能及特点。

    This article introduces main functions and characteristics of our maintenance tools and supplemental software .

  2. 性能协调以及常规维护工具

    Performance tuning and regular maintenance tools

  3. C语言程序开发与维护工具NHCTOOL

    A Tool for the Exploitation and Maintenance in C-Language Program

  4. 一个支持C程序分析的维护工具

    A Maintenance Tool Supporting for C Program Analysis

  5. 在系统介绍和分析了本体论构建理论的基础上,使用目前在国际上性能比较完善的本体论构建和维护工具KAON,进行了本论文的研究工作。

    Based on the introduction of ontology theory , the author uses KAON , the construction and maintainance tool of ontology , designed and completed the first Chinese food safety ontology prototype .

  6. 油枪和注油器都是艺术机械润滑维护工具。

    Grease gun and oiler are the lubrication service tools for machinery .

  7. 程序扫描速度很快,也可以做为常用的系统维护工具。

    Scans fast , can also be used as a system maintenance tool .

  8. 硬盘维护工具的设计

    The Design on A Maintenance Tool of Harddisk

  9. 结果完成了主系统及与其对应的系统维护工具和自定义报表工具并投入临床试用。

    Results The major system and system maintenance utilities were finished and were used clinically .

  10. 该测试系统为生产和使用该产品的单位提供了一种行之有效的测试与维护工具。

    And the testing system also of-fer a sort of effect testing tool for using factory .

  11. 这个库同时提供了消息队列和工作队列作为附加的线程通信和维护工具。

    The library also offers message queues and job queues as additional methods of thread synchronization and maintenance .

  12. 全新热点翻译存储器维护工具,用于全程查找及替代操作、属性操作等

    New - ot translation memory maintenance tool for global search & replace operation , attribute manipulation , etc

  13. 投票工具分为两部分,一是实际的投票脚本,一是维护工具。

    There are two parts to the polling tool ; The actual voting scripts , and the maintenance tools .

  14. 创建目录的其它相关信息可以在本文档的“资料库创建和维护工具”一章中找到。

    Additional information regarding directory creation can be found in the Database Creation and Maintenance Tools chapter of this document .

  15. 需要软件专业人员学习去对比要素的范围更多了,如:方法,过程和维护工具。

    More field studies on software professionals are needed to compare contextual factors such as methods , processes , and maintenance tools .

  16. 软件维护工具的短缺造成了软件维护费用不断上升,软件维护工具的开发又是一个很难的课题。

    The shortage of software maintenance tools , whose development is of great difficulty , has led up to an increment of software maintenance cost .

  17. 考虑了配置和维护工具的时间,你估计整个测试过程能够实现8%的生产力增长。

    Taking into consideration the time to set up ( and an estimate to maintain ) you estimate that an8 percent productivity increase of the total testing effort can be realized .

  18. 在此基础上,建立了以分布式组件对象模型为框架结构、以数据库服务器为数据维护工具的监测计算机软硬件网络。

    Based on all of these , a computer network is established , which uses distributed component object model for a framework , and employs database server as data maintenance tools .

  19. 其中重点介绍了多维数据模型的维表、事实表的结构设计,分析了数据模型的构建、数据抽取工具和数据维护工具的设计及实现。

    Specially , the paper presented the creating of dimension table , fact table of multi-dimension data model , analyzed the construction of data model , data extraction and data maintenance tools .

  20. 理念上的重点改变,就是从系统知识点转移到系统一体化和排故能力以及学会如何使用适当的维护工具上。

    " The shift in emphasis is away from systems knowledge and much more toward systems integration and troubleshooting ," as well as knowing how to use appropriate maintenance tools , said Pennington .

  21. 公共信息库由信息表组成,通过树型结构高效地组织了程序的语义信息,为不同的维护工具提供了通用的信息组织形式。

    The common information database is composed of the information table , which organizes the syntactical meaning of the program efficiently through the tree-style structure , and it offers general organization style of the information for different maintains tools .

  22. 这里只重点介绍其中一些工具:常见的数据移动和数据维护实用工具。

    Only a few tools have been highlighted : common data movement utilities and data maintenance utilities .

  23. 开发自动摘录、生成、获取、维护元数据工具以促进所选择网络资源的书目控制。

    Develop automated tools for extracting , creating , harvesting and maintaining metadata to improve bibliographic control of selected Web resources .

  24. 以微处理机为基础的系统,在研制、生产和现场应用中,都需要开发、测试、调整、诊断及维护的工具。

    During development , production and spot 's application microprocessor-based systems require various tools for development , debugging , diagnosis and maintenance .

  25. 在实际软件维护支撑工具中,主要关心的问题是分析的时间复杂度和分析结果是否可以有效地重用。

    As to practical tools for software maintenance and support , the time complexity of an analysis and effective reuse of analysis results are the main concern .

  26. 我认为一个模型在所有,或至少是许多创建和维护测试工具的软件测试工程师那儿,会工作得更好。

    I think that a model where all , or at least many , of the software test engineers also build and maintain the test tools works much better .

  27. 实践结果证明,该敏捷维护管理工具能够有效地提高管理效率,符合该零售定价软件敏捷维护开发的实际需要。

    From the result in practice , the agile tool for maintaining process of pricing software can enhance efficiency of management , and it can meet the needs of development in maintaining process .

  28. 这种选择工具的方法会面临很多业务挑战,比如维护不同工具集的成本;该方法同时还面临很多技术挑战,比如缺乏组织中不同部分所使用的工具之间的集成。

    This approach to tool selection is fraught with business challenges , such as the cost to maintain a disparate toolset ; and technical challenges , such as the lack of integration between tools acquired in different parts of the organization .

  29. DB2数据库管理器提供了能够自动执行上述维护任务的工具。

    DB2 database manager provides facilities to perform these maintenance tasks automatically .

  30. 第三,使工具创建者/维护者和工具使用者保持成为一个整体。

    Third , keep the tool creators / maintainers and the tool users closely integrated .