
  • 网络regenerative braking;Regenerative brake;i-ELOOP
  1. 通过对城市公共汽车再生制动力矩和车轮液压制动模型的分析,把再生制动力矩折算成相应的液压制动踏板行程,从而使再生制动力矩产生的制动感觉和液压制动感觉一致。

    By analyzing regenerative braking moment and wheel hydraulic braking model , regenerative braking moment is converted to hydraulic-brake pedal travel and the sense of regenerative braking is un - ( ited ) with traditional braking sense .

  2. 基于DSP电梯再生制动回馈并网装置的研究

    Research on the Cycle Feedback Grid Connection Device of Elevator Regenerative Braking based on DSP

  3. 采用H桥驱动实现车辆的平稳再生制动和反向运转功能。

    Driven by H bridge the smooth realization vehicles functioning and reverse regenerative braking .

  4. PWM变频器的能耗制动与再生制动

    Energy-losing Braking and Regenerative Braking in PWM frequency converter

  5. 电动汽车再生制动的模糊PI控制实验研究

    The Experiment Research on Fuzzy-PI Control for Regenerative Braking of an Electric Vehicle

  6. 基于ABS的混合动力客车再生制动控制策略研究

    Study on Control Strategies of Regenerative Braking System for HEV Bus Based on ABS

  7. EV再生制动系统的建模与仿真

    Modelling and Simulation of the Regenerative Braking System for Electrical Vehicles

  8. 基于RBF神经网络调节的电动车驱动和再生制动滑模控制

    Sliding mode control for driving and regenerative braking of electric vehicle based on RBF neural network

  9. 本文提出了一种通过调节PWM整流器功率因数,来抑制交流传动的列车处于再生制动时因受电弓处电压过高而导致再生失效的方法。

    A new method for preventing failure of regenerative braking through regulating power factor of train PWM rectifier is proposed .

  10. HEV再生制动过程中CVT速比控制策略

    Study and Simulation on Control Strategy for CVT Ratio in HEV when Regenerative Braking

  11. CVT混合动力汽车再生制动系统性能仿真与试验研究

    Research on Performance Simulation and Experiment of Regenerative Braking System for Hybrid Electric Vehicle with CVT

  12. 混合动力电动公交汽车(HEB)再生制动的控制策略与性能仿真

    Control Strategy and Simulation for Regenerative Braking of Hybrid Electric Bus

  13. 其次,结合电动车辆的工况标准对开关磁阻电机的再生制动进行了分析,提出了以PWM控制为主的优化角度控制策略。

    Secondly , regenerative brake control strategy is analyzing here with electric vehicles working standards , and PWM optimizing control strategy is implemented in this motorcycle system .

  14. 液压混合动力车(HydraulicHybridVehicle,简称HHV)再生制动系统由液压泵/马达、蓄能器、反馈元件以及控制系统组成。

    The regenerative braking system of the hydraulic hybrid vehicle ( HHV ) is made up of pump / motor , accumulators , feedback components and control system .

  15. ISG混合动力再生制动系统硬件在环仿真

    Hardware-in-loop Simulation on Regenerative Braking for Hybrid Electric Powertrain with ISG

  16. 研究表明:在PWM驱动方式下,永磁电动机系统再生制动特性由PWM调制比决定;不同的再生回馈控制策略有不同的制动、回馈特性。

    Research shows that the regenerating characteristics in PWM drive mode are determined by PWM modulation ratio , and different control methods have distinct braking and regenerating characteristics .

  17. HEV安全而可靠地回收制动能量取决于汽车制动时对再生制动和常规摩擦制动扭矩的合理分配与控制。

    Whether the braking energy can be safely and reliably regenerated depends on the distribution between regeneration braking and conventional friction braking .

  18. CRUISE仿真结果证明动力系统参数匹配符合设计要求:MATLAB仿真结果表明所采用的基于I曲线最佳感觉再生制动控制策略可以有效增加纯电动客车的续驶里程。

    The simulator results of MATLAB show that the best feeling regenerative braking control strategy which based on I curve can increase the driving range of the electric bus effectively .

  19. SRD电动摩托车再生制动控制策略的研究与实践

    The Research and Practice of the Regenerating Brake Control Tactics of System of Electric Motorcycle Based on SRD

  20. 基于传统汽车制动动力学分析,考虑混合动力汽车的特殊需求,提出了以电池SOC值和汽车制动强度为判断依据的混合动力再生制动控制策略。

    Base on the analysis of tradition vehicle braking dynamics , considering the need of HEV , proposed regenerative braking force distribution strategy according to battery SOC and vehicle severity .

  21. 为了充分利用再生制动的功能,分析了纯电动汽车再生制动的工作原理,研究了能量回收的控制策略,利用Matlab仿真验证了理论研究的正确性。

    Moreover , in order to make the regenerative braking more effective , the principle of regenerative braking for PEV is analyzed , the control strategy for energy recycling is studied and simulated in Matlab . 3 .

  22. 分析了列车再生制动时,为了抑制受电弓电压升高,所需的PWM整流器功率因数角调节的范围,给出了在PWM整流器的预测电流控制的基础上改进策略并实现其功率因数调节的方案。

    The range of power factor angle required for preventing voltage rise is analyzed . Based on predictive current PWM control scheme , this paper improves control strategy of train PWM rectifier to achieve power factor regulation .

  23. HEV普遍采用基于经验的逻辑门限控制对前轴再生制动与摩擦制动力矩进行控制,由于依赖于工程经验,门限值的选择比较困难。

    The HEV universally adopts experience-based logic threshold control on the front axle regenerative braking and friction braking torque distribution . The choice of threshold is difficult because it depends on the engineering experience .

  24. 介绍了本文再生制动系统的结构方案和系统主要参数,然后在对三种典型再生制动控制策略分析的基础上,结合再生制动的限制条件制定了基于ABS控制的再生制动控制策略。

    The structure scheme and main parameters of RBS are introduced . Based on analyzing three classic regenerative braking forces distributing strategy and regenerative braking influencing factors , the regenerative braking control strategy based on ABS is put forward . 3 .

  25. SS7型电力机车电子控制系统将复励电机牵引特性控制、再生制动特性控制、功率因数补偿控制、防空转控制等集中为一体。

    The electronic control system for SS7 electric locomotive integrates characteristic control of compound excited motor traction , regenerative braking , power factor compensation control as well as anti-slip control .

  26. 对典型工况进行了再生制动仿真,仿真结果表明,CVT速比控制可使电机运行在高效区,从而获得了比传统手动变速混合动力汽车更好的制动能量回收效果。

    Simulation results show that the speed ratio control in CVT enable the electric motor running in high efficiency region so that the better effect of regenerative braking can be achieved compared to vehicle with manual transmission .

  27. 接着进一步提出了基于ECE法规的电动汽车再生制动策略。通过在ADVISOR软件中建立嵌入式仿真模块对该策略进行了仿真分析。

    Subsequent , the control strategy for regenerative braking in EV and HEV based on the ECE regulation was proposed , and a simulation on this control strategy was performed in ADVISOR 2002 by establishing an embedded simulation model .

  28. 本文对8K机车在再生制动工况下,因网压突降导致再生失败的原因进行了分析,并对其改进电路&恢复换相电路的工作原理作了详细介绍。

    It is analyzed here the causes for failure of regeneration during regenerative braking of 8K electric locomotive , and then it is introduced the working principle of improved circuit & recovering commutation circuit .

  29. 搭建了轻度混合动力AMT传动系统试验台架,利用Matlab/Simulink仿真平台和dSPACE实时控制工具,开发了控制系统,分别对车辆起步、动力性换挡、再生制动和换挡品质控制策略进行了试验验证。

    Test rig of MHV equipped with AMT is built . Control system is developed by using Matlab / Simulink software and dSPACE real time workshop . Tests of startup , power shift rule , regenerative brake and shift quality are carried out .

  30. 从理论上分析计算出满足ECE制动法规的纯电动汽车制动力分配系数变化范围,并计算了电机峰值转矩与电池充电功率对再生制动的限制,为制定再生制动控制策略提供理论依据。

    The braking force distribution coefficient which satisfy the ECE braking rule is worked out , The limitations of motor maximum torque and battery charging power which provide theoretical basis for the institution of regenerative braking control strategy is calculated .