
  • 网络re-entry corridor
  1. 完成再入走廊的设计并分析了其影响因素。

    The re-entry corridor design is completed and their impact factors are analyzed .

  2. 最后对运动方程和再入走廊不等式进行归一化,有利于提高数值计算精度。其次,基于平衡滑翔条件研究了纵向标称轨迹的规划算法。

    Finally , motion equation and re-entry corridor are normalized to improve the numerical accuracy . Secondly , the longitudinal nominal trajectory planning algorithm is studied based on quasi-equilibrium glide condition ( QEGC ) .

  3. 航天器的再入走廊及其计算方法

    The reentry corridor of space vehicle and the calculation method

  4. 负升力返回时航天器的再入走廊与轨迹研究

    Reentry Corridor and Trajectory of Space Vehicle Using Negative Lift

  5. 计算了以美国航天飞机为模型的再入走廊。

    The reentry corridor of American Space Shuttle is calculated .

  6. 受多种约束时航天器再入走廊的计算分析

    The calculation method and analysis of the reentry corridor of space vehicle with some constraints

  7. 航天飞机的再入飞行走廊及再入飞行轨迹

    On entry flight corridor and entry trajectory for space shuttle reentry

  8. 建立了可重复使用飞行器再入热走廊的物理模型,给出该物理模型下热走廊的控制方程和求解方法。

    The physical model for the thermal corridor of a RLV is established , and the governing equations and solution method for the thermal corridor are studied .

  9. 为了确定返回舱的自由流条件和驻点区条件,其再入轨迹和再入走廊是十分重要的。

    Re-entry corridor and traject-ories are of great importance in order to determine free stream conditions as well as conditions in the stagnation point region of a descent vehicle .

  10. 在研究航天飞机再入返回问题时,确定再入飞行走廊和再入飞行轨迹是基础的研究问题之一。对于这方面的工作,参考文献[1]作了较详细的介绍。

    In researching space shuttle reentry , determination of entry flight corridor and entry trajectory is one of the fundamental subjects .

  11. 从再入大气后的轨道约束入手,确定了再入走廊及再入点处飞行器应满足的飞行状态,并给出了亚轨道设计参数。

    The entry corridor and flight states on entry point of vehicle were determined by trajectory constraints and then sub-orbit parameters were given .

  12. 结合再入飞行约束条件,建立了飞行器的阻力加速度&速度剖面再入走廊,选择适当的阻力加速度信号作为飞行器的参考轨迹,设计了飞行器再入制导轨迹跟踪控制系统。

    Basing on the flight constraints , the aircraft resistance acceleration - velocity profile reentry corridor is made . By selecting the appropriate resistance acceleration signal as aircraft reference trajectory , we design the reentry guidance trajectory tracking control system of the aircraft .