
  1. 我们感觉当你同我们有更多生意后再讨论代理事宜更佳。

    417.We feel it would be better to consider the matter of agency after you done more business with us .

  2. 在说明共享上网原理和功能的基础上,介绍与此相关的对等网配置,再介绍代理服务器的配置以及客户机上常用软件的设置。

    By illustrating the principles and function of simultaneous sharing of an internet connection , this article aims at introducing the dispose of related equal internet and proxy server , and the installation of common software in client as well .

  3. 公司治理的核心问题是控制权问题,根据法经济学的基本原理,公司的剩余所有权人掌握公司的控制权,找到公司的剩余所有权人之后再解决代理成本问题,就是公司治理的基本路径。

    The core of corporate governance is control right . The law and economics literature maintains that the residual owner of the corporation enjoys the control right and the basic road map of corporate governance is to find out the residual owner and solve the agency problem .

  4. 今后谁还敢再委托我们代理?

    In the future who dare to entrust us for agency ?

  5. 一有机会,我们再谈独家代理的问题。

    We 'll revert to the question of exclusive agency when opportunity arises .

  6. 如图所示,环境中存在一个代理管理器,需要首先对其进行设置,然后再安装任何代理。

    As displayed , there is one agent manager in the environment , which needs to be set up before any agents are installed .

  7. 在这样的场景中,首先需要禁用导致问题的代理,然后再检查该代理为什么会导致问题(并修复问题)。

    In such scenarios , you need to first disable the agent creating the problem and then review why the agent is causing the problem ( and fix it ) .

  8. 再运用委托-代理理论分别讨论了信息对称和信息不对称时的VMI数量折扣契约设计问题。

    After that , VMI quantity discounts contract under symmetric and asymmetric information is designed by principal-agent theory .

  9. 你可以再去跟那个代理说说看。

    You can try again with the gate agent .

  10. 然后再将佣金转入代理公司的银行帐户。

    Commission will then be deducted and transfered to the bank account of the Agent .

  11. 面谈时我们再和您商洽代理协议的期限。

    We will like to discuss the duration of the agency agreement with you at the interview .