
  • 网络no more
  1. 蝙蝠侠哥谭市从今后再也没有义务警员了

    Batman , there are no more vigilantes allowed in Gotham City

  2. 她说再也没有精力和钱去打官司了。

    She said no more energy and money to litigate .

  3. 她再也没有苏醒过来,第二天便去世了。

    She did not regain consciousness and died the next day .

  4. 我于1990年离开那里,从那以后再也没有回去过。

    I left in 1990 and I haven 't been back there since .

  5. 她的母亲再也没有提起过他。

    Her mother never referred to him again .

  6. 他们再也没有当他的面严刑拷打过囚犯。

    They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence .

  7. 除了她,他再也没有任何亲人。

    He had no one in the world but her .

  8. 他再也没有向波特神甫作过告解。

    He never went to Father Porter for confession again .

  9. 简单地说,此后我们再也没有见过面。

    Suffice it to say that afterwards we never met again

  10. 韦伯斯特自从在首场比赛中伤了绳肌腱后就再也没有参赛了。

    Webster has not played since suffering a hamstring injury in the opening game .

  11. 再也没有恢复死刑。

    The death penalty was never restored .

  12. 之后没多久我离开了那个地方,从此再也没有回过得克萨斯。

    A little later I left that place and never set foot in Texas again .

  13. 他要么逃掉了,要么遭到了不测。不管怎么样,反正再也没有人见过他。

    Either he escaped , or he came to grief . In any case , he was never seen again .

  14. 自菲利普把她独自丢在酒店房间后,她就再也没有听到他的消息了。

    From the moment that Philippe had left her in the bedroom at the hotel , she had heard nothing of him

  15. 后来再也没有听到(有关)他的音信。

    He was never heard of again .

  16. 从那以后,我们山南海北再也没有见过面。

    Since then , we 've lived far apart and never seen each other again .

  17. 除了这点儿储蓄我再也没有钱了。

    Aside from the little savings I have no other money .

  18. 囚犯逃得无影无踪,再也没有看见他。

    The prisoner got clean away and never seen again .

  19. 有一种人,抱着一技之长和一孔之见,再也没有进步。

    There are some people who , contented with a single skill or a peephole view , never make any progress .

  20. 然而几十年过去了,我再也没有碰过织针。

    Then decades passed without my touching a knitting needle .

  21. 自那以后,再也没有如此大规模的垂直太阳能电池板工程了。

    A vertical solar project on such a large scale has never been repeated since .

  22. 这个公共汽车司机再也没有苏醒,死在了东素里医院。

    The bus driver never regained consciousness and died at East Surrey Hospital .

  23. 几个月变成了几年,但他的爱好再也没有改变。

    The months turned to years but his hobby never changed again .

  24. 然后他冲出森林,再也没有回来。

    Then he rushed out of the forest and never came back again .

  25. 1872年春天,安徒生从床上摔了下来,再也没有好起来。

    In the spring of 1872 , Andersen fell out of bed and didn 't get well again .

  26. 他与父母分居,再也没有见到他们。

    He   was   separated   from   his   parents   and   never   saw   them   again .

  27. 这张邮票是独一无二的,再也没有象这样的了。

    This stamp is unique ; there are no others like it .

  28. 然而,从此以后,他再也没有捕到过一只鸟。

    However , he never caught another bird thereafter3 .

  29. 但很遗憾,后来我再也没有见过他。

    Sadly , I 've never seen him again .

  30. 他回答说:“我几次都得不到赏识。现在年纪大了,再也没有机会了,因此哭泣。”

    He replied : " Several times I have failed to win recognition . Now I am old and no longer have any opportunity . That is why I am weeping . "