
  1. 根据从学校的历史课,我认出来了。

    I recognised it out of the history classes at school .

  2. 我认然认为他对死亡负有部分责任。

    I still think he was partially responsible for the death .

  3. 我认不清是不是他。

    I can 't tell if it 's him or not .

  4. 我认出来了,你是尼克罗街的基尼。

    I know you . you 're Geordie from Nichol street .

  5. 所有的都是新的,我认不出来它了。

    All this is new . I can 't recognize it .

  6. 在马桶里看到我认不出的。

    But I saw somethingin the toilet I couldn 't identify .

  7. 我认他,当我们走出面包车。

    I recognized him , when we got out of the van .

  8. 他问我认不认识一个有趣的律师。

    He asked me if I knew an interesting lawyer .

  9. 我认不出这台马达的型号。

    I cannot make out the type of this motor .

  10. 呵你终于变得,有我认不出来的成熟咯。

    Uh , you finally , I recognize there is not mature .

  11. 我认有些东西比爱本身更强大。

    And I think that 's something more powerful than love itself .

  12. 今早在停尸房我认的尸。

    I identified her BOD this morning at the morgue .

  13. 你想不到戴着面具还会被我认出来吧?

    You didn 't think I 'd recognize you in that disguise ?

  14. 我认么这是一种非常不健康的看法。

    I 'd say it 's a pretty sick point of view .

  15. 在人群中我认不出她来。

    I couldn 't spot her in the crowd .

  16. 他全变了,我认不出来了。

    He 'd completely changed-i didn 't recognize him .

  17. 我认你应该多考虑你全家的情绪。

    I think you should have more consideration for your family 's feelings .

  18. 我认不出照片中的那个人。

    I can 't put my finger on the person in that photograph .

  19. 我认她的笔迹有些困难。

    I have some trouble in reading her handwriting .

  20. 难怪我认不出来了,现在他看起来不一样了。

    No wonder that I cannot recognize him , now he looks different .

  21. 后来,我认出来了不过是埃里克,我才又开始挪步。

    Then I realized it was just Eric . I started walking again .

  22. 我认你对补药有偏见。

    I think you have a prejudice against tonics .

  23. 我认不得医生的字迹。

    I can 't read the doctor 's writing .

  24. 他一定在他们中间,但是我认不出来。

    He must be among them , but I can 't pick him out .

  25. 我认不认识那两位女士?

    Did I know these two ladies personally ?

  26. 不回来呢,我认了命!

    If you didn 't come back , well , that was my bad luck .

  27. 我认不认识他?

    Did I know poor dear edmond ?

  28. 怎么,找了个中国老婆,是谁,我认不认识?

    How , found a Chinese wife , who is , I do not know .

  29. 别想把我认作孩子的生父;他不是我的孩子。

    Don 't try to father the child on me , he is not my son .

  30. 我认不得你了。自上次见面后,你可变多了。

    I can 't make you out . You 're so changed since last we met .