
bào yìng
  • retribution;nemesis;judgment;rebound;poetic justice;come-uppance
报应 [bào yìng]
  • (1) [retribution] [佛]∶指有施必有报,有感必有应,故现在之所得,无论祸福,皆为报应

  • (2) [nemesis]∶回报。公正的惩罚行为或效果

  • 一意孤行理所应当引起恼怒的报应

报应[bào yìng]
  1. 法学根据&报应与预防;

    ( 2 ) foundations of Jurisprudence & retribution and prevention ;

  2. 近代刑罚学思想把报应的意义限定为复仇。

    Modern penological thought discounts retribution in the sense of vengeance .

  3. 担心环境政策的官员们预言总有一天人们会受到报应。

    Officials concerned with environmental policy predict that a day of reckoning will come .

  4. 他过错无多而报应太重。

    He was more sinned against than sinning .

  5. 不过迫近的国际收支平衡危机也许是对总统的报应。

    Yet the imminent crisis in its balance of payments may be the President 's nemesis .

  6. 我觉得我现在更加注重精神生活,而且我真的相信善恶报应。

    I think I 'm more aware now of some spiritual things and I do believe in good and evil .

  7. 做坏事的人到头来总会遭报应的。

    Evildoers are bound to be punished in the end .

  8. 我应该受到这种报应。

    I had it coming .

  9. 就在这周末,可怕地报应袭击了我:不是一个是两个,胀大、很痛的、无情的痈。

    The very weekend of publication , a terrible vengeance was visited upon me : not one but two large , painful and mercilessly prominent carbuncles .

  10. 这是你偷我枪的报应。

    Well , it serves you right for stealing my gun .

  11. 不要诬枉好人,否则你会遭到报应的。

    Do not calumniate good people , otherwise you will be punished .

  12. 克利夫兰的,一个主要城市的第一非裔美国人市长,以他的首要报应,詹姆斯・Stanton,市议会的总统。

    Cleveland 's Carl B.Stokes , the first African American mayor of a major city , with his chief nemesis , James Stanton , President of city council .

  13. 恩将仇报是会遭报应的。

    There are consequences from biting the hands that feed them .

  14. 善恶报应在中西悲剧中的不同命运

    On Different Fortunes of Poetic Justice in Chinese and Western Tragedies

  15. 某人总有一天会得到报应的。

    You 'll get yours for being so mean to me .

  16. 耶和华必照个人的公义诚实报应他。

    The LORD rewards every man for his righteousness and faithfulness .

  17. 父亲的罪过,其报应会落在孩子们的身上。

    The sin of the father is visiting upon the children .

  18. 这是你睡懒觉的报应。

    It is a judgment on you for getting up late .

  19. 他必照个人的行为报应个人。

    Who will render to every man according to his works .

  20. 但是那也许就是报应想的。

    But maybe that 's not what karma had in mind .

  21. 还想知道报应推迟了多长时间。

    And wondering to see how long the stroke was delayed .

  22. 报应刑、教育刑及与犯罪的斗争

    On Retribution Penalty and Education Penalty and Fight against Crime

  23. 刑罚的报应理论在与预防目的论的竞争中逐渐处于下风,即便在一体论的框架中也处于次要地位。

    The penalty retribution theory is inferior to the prevention aim theory .

  24. 报应老女士不想我要那些钱。

    Old lady karma didn 't want me to have that money .

  25. 报复者常会受到报应。

    Revenge may recoil upon the person who takes it .

  26. 这部小说的寓意是犯罪终会遭到报应的。

    The moral of the novel was that crime does not pay .

  27. 我知道这些事你是十分想报应在我身上的。

    Everything that I know you would want to happen to me .

  28. 他的恶行迟早会受到报应。

    He will sooner or later be rewarded for his wicked conduct .

  29. “愿上天的报应不要落在他的身上!”

    " Heaven grant that this may not be visited upon him !"

  30. 但在主要的逊尼派地区却是感到一种严酷的报应的情绪。

    But a grim and retributive mood settled over predominantly Sunni areas .