
  • 网络alarm host;alarm mainframe;ST-V;CVC-E
  1. 并且应用于可编地址的环境监测系统的报警主机电路中。

    It also can apply in the alarm mainframe circuit of compiling address environment monitoring system .

  2. 而火灾自动报警系统中报警主机与控制工作站之间的通信协议,由于没有标准,各个厂家自行定义,给联网监控带来了巨大的障碍。

    As the absence of standards , The protocols of communication between fire alarm mainframe and control workstations have brought tremendous obstacles .

  3. 对消防报警主机的通信协议进行研究,不论对消防报警主机的研发,还是消防联网监控系统系统的开发,都有积极的意义,对于消防行业的规范化也有积极的推动作用。

    The research on communication protocols between fire alarm system host and crt can accelerate the process of standardization in fire control industry . It also has the positive significance on the development of fire control host and fire control network monitor system .

  4. 分析了以685数字报警接收主机为中心组成的联网自动报警系统。

    This paper introduces the networked automatic alarm system , in which " 685 Digital Alarm Receiver " is explored , which is the most important equipment in the system center .

  5. 底层是各种探测器及输出继电器组成,它们一方面负责探测人员的非法入侵,同时向报警控制主机发出报警信号;

    The bottom layer is composed of a variety of detectors and the output relay , which one person is responsible for detecting the illegal invasion , while the host to the alarm control alarm signal ;

  6. 另外本文详细阐述了该系统的主要功能模块的设计,包括电源供电、存储器扩展、虹膜图像采集与处理、键盘控制、LCD显示、门锁执行、报警提示以及主机通信等。

    Another , the mainly function modules of the system is described in details , include supply , memory expansion , iris image acquisition and processing , keyboard , LCD , door lock control , alarming and host communication .

  7. 本论文论述了在曲靖卷烟厂火灾自动报警系统软件集成项目实施过程中,对厂内现有的来自多个厂家的8套报警主机进行协议分析的技术原理及分析过程。

    This paper shows the technical principle and the analysis process of the protocols used by the eight systems coming from different vendor .