
  • 网络Scrap Rate
  1. 同时在解决问题时采用了大量的统计工艺控制(SPC)知识来进行科学有效的分析,最终达到降低报废率并改进质量的目的。

    Meanwhile many SPC knowledge are applied to analyze effectively and scientifically to reach the goal of scrap rate reduction and quality improvement finally .

  2. 所有行业都有报废率

    all manufacturing has a scrap rate

  3. 研究机构IHS中国汽车销售预测部门负责人林怀滨认为,上述刺激措施朝提高中国车辆报废率迈出了第一步。中国目前报废车辆占登记车辆总数的比例约为3%,远低于美国约8%的报废率。

    Lin Huaibin , manager for China vehicle-sales forecasts at research firm IHS considers such incentives ' a start ' toward increasing the scrappage ratio in China , which currently stands at around 3 % of total registered vehicles , considerably less than the U.S. rate of around 8 % .

  4. 加强药品管理降低药品报废率

    Tightening Drug Management and Cutting Down the Rate of Abandoned Drugs

  5. 工程报废率为5.13%~79.7%。

    And the rate of damage of the projects was from 5.13 % to 79.7 % .

  6. 采取预防措施降低产品的报废率,做好维修部门的报废件的控制和统计工作;

    Carry out preventive measures to reduce product 's rejection and offer the statistics for defective components ;

  7. 病区防氟井改水率为25.46%,报废率49.46%。

    The rate of changes water was 25.46 % in the disease area , discarding rate was 49.46 % .

  8. 对此管理层决定成立攻关小组,希望对造成高报废率的问题尽快解决。

    So management decided to set up a team for scrap rate improvement to solve each problem which cause high scrap rate .

  9. 但在手机大批量生产之初,报废率非常高,远远超出了目标值。

    But the scrap rate is very high at the beginning of mass production , it is far exceeded the scrap rate goal .

  10. 目的评价临床用血血样不同筛查模式的应用效果,以降低无偿献血血液报废率,提高临床输血安全性。

    Objective To explore different clinical blood screening models for reducing blood positive rate and blood condemnation rate , and enhancing the security of blood transfusion .

  11. 本系统的实现对提高热轧产品质量的诊断水平,降低产品报废率,具有很高的实际意义。

    Level of abnormal diagnosis to product quality , and reduces the discard ratio as useless of productions . So , the QAS has a highly practical significance .

  12. 可靠耐用:没有钨丝,壳体等容易毁坏的部件,非正常报废率很小,维护费用极为低廉。

    Reliable and durable : the abnormal scrap rate is very less and the cost of maintenance is not expensive without easily damaged parts such as tungsten filament and body case etc.

  13. 研究传统抽真空工艺和新抽真空工艺,进行产品外观的解剖、直流发射性能、生产直通率和报废率、成品性能以及微波炉厂家生产的不良率等的分析。

    Comparison between traditional vacuum technique and modern vacuum technique , conduct product anatomy to analyze direct current emission performance , throughout efficiency and rejection rate , end product performance and off-line faction defective of microwave producers .

  14. 但是电池技术的发展限制着电动车的行驶距离,电池报废率高,因此、设计一款高效、低功耗的电动车势在必行。

    But the development of technology of the battery limits the driving distance of electric vehicles , and the scrap rate of battery is very high . Design a highly efficiency and low consumption electric vehicle is imperative .

  15. 在海运业,主管航运业务的监管人员需要监测和预测运费、船舶买卖价格、新构造船舶的发展趋势、燃料价格以及船舶的报废率等动态参数。

    Monitoring and predicting dynamic parameters of the maritime transportation industry such as freight rates , ship sale and purchase prices , new building trends , bunker prices , and scrapping rates have enforced the executives in shipping business .

  16. 汽车回收政策对报废汽车回收率影响研究

    Study on Influence of Vehicle Recovery Policy on End-of-Life Vehicle Collection Rate

  17. PCB板不允许单元报废导致良品率下降,制作成本增加。

    Not allowing X-out of PCB made the yield rate down and raised production cost .

  18. 结果:药品报废情况得到大大改善,报废率远远地低于国家允许范围。

    Analyse the situation of the rate of abandoned drugs and find out what is the reason .