
bào jiā yīn
  • carol
报佳音[bào jiā yīn]
  1. 在每所房子前他们停下来唱一首叫报佳音的圣诞歌。

    At each house , they stop and sing a Christmas song , called a carol .

  2. 城市之声于挪亚方舟圣诞报佳音演出后接受创世电视访问。

    City Singers was interviewed by Creation TV after the Christmas Carol performance at Noah 's Ark .

  3. 圣诞节前的一周内孩子们挨门挨户传报佳音。

    The children went carolling during the week before Christmas .

  4. 报佳音是另外一种能够将欢乐带给邻舍的传统方式,尤其是针对那些老人和无法常出门的人。

    Going caroling is another traditional way to bring cheer to neighbors -- especially the elderly and people who can 't get out much .

  5. 天使初报圣诞佳音,先向田间贫苦牧人;

    The first Noel , the angel did say , Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay ;