
  • 网络Reported by;a reporting unit
  1. 报告单位以综合医院为主,占60.31%;

    The report units were mainly general hospitals ( 60.31 % ) .

  2. 责任报告单位及报告人的法制意识和疫情报告的敏感性亟待加强。

    The consciousness of law and the sensitivity of the outbreak reports should be improved urgently .

  3. 责任报告单位在数据质控员和相关经费配备方面存在不足;责任报告人学历和职称偏低,流动性较大,工作满意度低。

    Institutions responsible for reporting had deficiencies in data-quality-control staff and related funding allocation . The reporters had relatively low academic degrees and professional ranks , high mobility , and low job satisfaction .

  4. 结果辽宁省县及县以上医院直报率为77.23%,报告单位以综合医院为主,占87.61%;

    Results The direct report rate was 77.23 % in hospitals at counties and above levels in Liaoning Province , which was mainly from general hospitals , with the report rate of 87.61 % .

  5. 我们在准备详细的项目报告建议的单位过程。

    We are in the process of preparing the detailed project report for the proposed unit .

  6. 她立即把那可疑的人报告了有关单位。是否立即取消对大小和位置的锁定?

    She immediately informed against that suspicious man . Do you want to unlock size and position now ?

  7. 检测报告经建设单位或者工程监理单位确认后,由施工单位归档。

    The testing report shall be put on files by the construction entity after it is confirmed by the construction entity or the supervisory entity .

  8. 建筑工程质量评估报告是监理单位为经过初验的已竣工工程的工程质量给出的正式监理书面意见,是工程管理的重要措施之一。

    Appraisal report of project quality is the formal written opinion by supervision department for the construction quality of the completion project which has passed the initial survey , and is one of the important measures of project management .

  9. 换料报告是营运单位在换料停堆前向国家核安全局提交的综合报告,主要描述换料停堆期间将要进行的所有维修、试验、在役检查、装卸料等活动。

    Refuelling outage report ( ROR ) is submitted to the National Nuclear Safety Administration ( NNSA ) by the owner before the refuelling outage , which describes all the programmed activities related to maintenance , test , in service inspection , and refuelling etc.

  10. 未来学家乔根•兰德斯(JorgenRanders)在一份预测未来40年全球面貌的报告中预计,单位产值能耗相对于2010年时仅会下降三分之一——不足以阻止灾难性的气候变化发生。

    Futurologist Jorgen Randers , in a report offering a global forecast for the next 40 years , expects energy intensity to fall by only a third compared to 2010 - not enough to stop catastrophic climate change .

  11. 准备月度财务控制报告,为预算单位提供财务分析报告。

    To prepare a monthly Financial Monitoring Pack providing analysis of financial performance to budget holders .

  12. 对此,报告建议,工作单位应该采用更弹性的工作方式,允许员工在家完成部分工作。

    Regarding this problem , the report suggests companies should arrange work in a more flexible way and permit employees to finish part of the job at home .

  13. 本文介绍了我国的核设施环境影响报告书主要编写单位在对某参考核设施正常工况下气态排出物辐射后果计算时程序比对的结果。

    In the paper , the intercomparision of calculation programs are introduced , which are used by several Chinese main compiling units of environmental impact report of nuclear facilities in calculating the radiation consequence of normal airborne effluent from nuclear facilities .

  14. 大量有关沙漠化的研究报告,国家管理部门的综合调查报告,科研单位的集中研究以及各种专业期刊上的研究论文大量涌现。

    There are a large number of papers related to desertification , some of which are integrated investigation reports of government , some are special study of scientific research institute , and a large number papers in a variety of professional journals .

  15. 项目经理报告项目绩效和项目具体的,而项目管理办公室提供统一的报告,以及从单位整体角度对由其管辖的项目的看法。

    The project manager reports on project progress and other project specific information , while the PMO provides consolidated reporting and an enterprise view of projects under its purview .