
bào zhàng
  • present a bill of expenses;apply for reimbursement;render an account;submit an expense account;reimburse
报账 [bào zhàng]
  • [reimburse] 向主管人员报告领用或经手的款项的使用情况

报账[bào zhàng]
  1. 日常检查监督与报账制的结合可以保障项目按计划顺利实施,因此,政府应该加强日常检查的力度并严格执行资金县级报账制,同时应鼓励企业与政府保持密切的联系,减少信息不对称程度。

    The daily supervision and inspection combining with render an account system can guarantee a smooth implement of project according to the plan . Therefore , the government should step up the intensity of daily inspection and strictly abide by the county level render an account system .

  2. 修理费用可以报账。

    Costs of repairs may be reimbursed .

  3. 或是参加TED演讲的经费是不是可以向公司报账

    or whether you can deduct the full cost of TED as a business expense .

  4. 首先报账平台应用了EJB技术,它是基于Java的服务器端组件架构技术。使用EJB可以加快开发企业级的分布式组件应用。

    Firstly , the application of the EJB in the reimbursement platform is based on a Java server component architecture technology , and the usage of the EJB can speed up to develop the application of the enterprise-level distributed components .

  5. 但是这一过程程序太过繁琐,很难能让政府报账。

    But the process is too cumbersome to hold governments to account .

  6. 根据法律,各家公司都必须每年报账。

    Every company must by law submit accounts annually .

  7. 非实报实销的现金津贴他的花销得向司库报账。

    Non-accountable cash allowance He has to account to the treasurer for the money he spends .

  8. 男孩必须向他父亲报账,说明他们给他的学杂费支出项目。

    The boy has to account to his parents for the money they give him for school expenses .

  9. 关于报账制单位会计结报工作的看法提高个人账户利用效率促进个人账户与社区卫生服务结合

    Improving the Efficiency of Individual Account Utilization and Promoting the Combination of Individual Account with Community Health Services

  10. 输入正确的条码后按《确认》键,就会显示报账成功。

    Enter the correct bar code and press " OK " button , it will display reimbursement success .

  11. 其次,完善县级财政资金报账制度,加大对资金的监督、审计。

    Second , improve the reimbursement system of county-level financial capital , to increase oversight of the funds , and audit .

  12. 工作职责:负责我公司日常收支报账、协调青岛总部月度报帐;

    Job duties : responsible for day-to-day income and expenditure acing of our company , Qingdao headquarters to coordinate the monthly acing ;

  13. 传统的具备会计专业知识,只能进行记账、算账、报账的“核算型”会计人才已不能很好地适应新形势下社会需求。

    The traditional accountants who only can book , calculate , and send accounts could not adapt to the needs of the society in the new situation .

  14. 对于加强高校财务管理,提高高校财务管理水平和办学效益,使高校财务管理工作适应高教事业发展,实现由报账核算型向核算管理型转变;

    Enhancing college financial management and education benefits , to adapt financial management to higher education development as well as realize transformation from reimbursement-accounting mode to management-accounting mode ;

  15. 问题:我买了一张不可退票的经济舱机票,准备在旅行结束后与其它费用一起向客户报账。

    Q : I have purchased a non-refundable economy ticket , which was going to be billed , with other expenses , to a client after the trip .

  16. 客户对财务报账系统中工作流模块提出了特殊需求:使用参与者规则指定参与者、使用规则引擎定义规则因子。

    Customers of financial reimbursement system workflow module puts forward special demand : use the participants rules specify the participants , using a rules engine to define rules factor .

  17. 中国移动通信集团在各省、自治区、直辖市公司实施了财务集中管理战略,并构建了报账平台、银企互联、营收稽核等配套的支撑系统。

    China Mobile Communications Company implements this strategy in all provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities , and builds a reimbursement platform , the bank-enterprise revenue audit , and other ancillary support systems .

  18. 会计电算化使会计人员从繁重的传统手工记账、算账、报账工作中解脱出来,大大提高了会计管理和决策的效率,也对会计信息系统的理论和实务产生了重大的影响。

    Computer based accounting has greatly improved the efficiency of accounting management and decision-making , disentangled the accountants from the onerous work and played important influence on the theory and practice of accounting information system .

  19. 业务费用报告:报销人必须写明部门名称,姓名,费用发生日期,报账日期,费用详细说明,借款金额及方式。

    The people concerned must indicate department , name , the date of expense incurred , the date of reimbursement , description of expense , amount of cash advance request and manners on business expense report .

  20. 会计信息系统帮助企业实现财务与业务的协同运作,报表、报账、查账、审计等远程处理,动态会计核算与在线财务管理。

    Accounting information system helps enterprises to realize coordination of financial and business operation , and reporting , reimbursement , audit , auditing and other remote processing , and dynamic accounting as well as online financial management .

  21. 对此应加强会计集中核算制度建设、把报账员纳入会计核算中心统一管理等措施。护理员的教育;

    Aiming at these problems , we should promote the establishment of collective accounting system , and try to bring the person who renders an account into the management of a collective accounting center . the education of nursing workers ;

  22. 同时企业信息系统的大规模应用导致了信息处理可以通过计算机进行,计算机可以替代手工记账、算账、报账,完成日常的会计事务处理。

    At the same time , the large-scale use of enterprise information system leads to that the information processing can be done by the computer . It can replace with handwork on accounting , afterwards , reimbursement , and completing daily accounting transactions .

  23. 建立健全预算执行分析制度和支农政策实施进度考评制度,继续推行和完善报账制、公示制、专家评审制等管理方式。

    Establish and improve the implementation of the budget system and the progress of implementation of the policy evaluation system in agriculture , continue to implement and improve the reimbursement system , the publicity system , management system and so on expert review .

  24. 第三、结合国库单一账户制度和部门预算等财政管理制度的改革,提出了改革森林生态效益补偿资金拨付渠道的建议和报账制的财务管理办法。

    With the reform of the state treasury one account system and departmental budget of the public finance management system , the paper proposes that forest ecological compensation allocation channels be reformed and the financial management ways be changed into borrowing first followed by reporting the expenditure .

  25. 项目的实施有严格的技术规程、管理办法和质量监督、监测评价、检查验收制度,资金实行严格的报账制,物资采购实行国际招标采购和国内招标采购。

    The project implementation conducts under strict technical regulations , management procedures , systems of quality supervision , monitoring and assessment , review and acceptance . Reimbursement system is strictly applied in fund management , International Competitive Bidding and Domestic Competitive Bidding are employed in material purchase .