
zhōng shì
  • Chinese style;pass the imperial examinations in the old examination system of China;qualified
中式 [zhōng shì]
  • (1) [pass the imperial examinations in the old examination system of China]∶指科举考试被录取

  • 乡试中式者为举人

  • (2) [qualified]∶符合规格

  • 轻重不中式

  • [Chinese style] 中国固有的格式

  • 中式餐具

中式[zhōng shì]
  1. 对接种乳酸菌的中式香肠贮藏期间乳酸菌数、活菌总数、TVB-N值及TBA值的变化进行了研究。

    Changes of counts of lactic bacteria total bacteria number . TVB N and TBA values in Chinese style sausage inoculated with lactic bacteria during storing were studied .

  2. 在这段时间里,人们开始穿中式服装。

    Around that time , people started wearing Chinese style clothing .

  3. 在一张宽大的橡树桌上摆放着一盒盒中式食品。

    Cartons of Chinese food were arrayed on a large oak table .

  4. 我店承做中式服装。

    We accept orders for Chinese-style clothes .

  5. 人们根据这些特殊的灯泡制造了特殊固定装置,从学习用的台灯,到祖母传下来的丑萌的手绘中式灯,再到壁橱里的顶灯和烤箱或冰箱里的灯,最后再到牙医给你看牙的灯。

    All of those specialized bulbs led to the building of specialized light fixtures , from the desk lamp you study by , to the ugly but beloved hand-painted Chinese lamp you inherited from your grandmother , to the ceiling fixture in your closet , to the light in your oven or refrigerator , and to the light that the dentist points at you .

  6. 今年早些时候,在纽约举行的“中国:镜花水月”展览展出了140件中国风启发设计的时装和许多中国艺术作品。目的是探索中式美学对西方时尚的影响,以及中国多年来是如何激发时尚想象的。

    Earlier this year , the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art , with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries .

  7. 这是典型的中式英语。

    This is typical Chinese English .

  8. 从动词make的使用看写作中的中式英语

    Chinglish in English Writing from the Use of " Make "

  9. 中式英语“longtimenosee”(很久不见)已成为标准英文词组。

    Take the example of ," long time no see ," which is a standard phrase now .

  10. 状中式短语N·A的句法语值分析

    An Analysis of the Pragmatical Value of Adverbial-centered N · A phrase

  11. 典型的例子就是longtimenosee(好久不见),这句中式英文已被收录在了英语词典中。

    The typical example of that is Long time no see ( Haven 't seen you in a while ), a Chinglish expression which has been included in English dictionaries .

  12. 中式快餐企业导入JIT生产方式的研究

    Study on JIT Production Mode in Chinese-style Fast Food Enterprises

  13. 中式发酵香肠pH与Aw的关系及其对产品风味的影响

    The relationship between pH and aw and its effects on the flavor of Chinese-style fermented sausage

  14. 中式肉干生产过程中HACCP系统的应用探讨

    The Study on Applying HACCP System in the Process of Producing Chinese Style Meat Jerky

  15. 本文利用气相色谱对中式香肠和腊肉中游离脂肪酸(freefattyacids,FFA)组分及其在加工过程中的变化进行了研究。

    Changes of free fatty acids ( FFAs ) during the processing of Chinese sausages and Chinese Bacon were analyzed by GC method .

  16. 本文通过分析我国快餐业的现状,指出了中式快餐的问题所在,并提出了全面导入CIS战略,振兴中式快餐业的观点。

    In this paper the author analyses the present situation of the Chinese fast food industry and points out some problems thereof .

  17. 本文探索了竹叶抗氧化物(AOB)在中式香肠中的应用效果。

    The text investigates the effects of the use of AOB on Chinese sausage .

  18. 英国伯克郡独立学校威灵顿学院(WellingtonCollege)去年斥资50万英镑,在一座配有中式水榭的塔式建筑中开设了一家汉语言中心。

    Wellington College , an independent school in Berkshire , last year opened a & # 163 ; 500,000 Mandarin language centre housed in a pagoda complete with Chinese water garden .

  19. 来自多伦多大学的加拿大人威廉,从没学过中文,但却经常接触中式英语。我的中国同学经常对我说‘Goodgoodstudy,daydayup’(好好学习天天向上)。

    Although William , a Canadian student of University of Toronto , hasn 't learned Chinese , he is often exposed to Chinglish My Chinese classmates often tell me to ' Good good study , day day up ' ( study hard and make progress every day ) .

  20. 你说英语的时候会犯错误吗?BBC英语教学部即将推出最新精选视频课程《英语小精灵》,从全新视角帮你攻克“中式英语”中常见难题。

    Coming soon from BBC Learning English is our all new video series The Chingles to help you improve your English and overcome Chinglish mistakes .

  21. 长廊式调压室流态CFD分析及吸气旋涡消除措施研究在超大的中式长廊里用西餐别具风味。

    Flow Characteristics of long corridor-shaped surge tank and elimination of the air-entraining vertical vortices : CFD simulation and analysis Having western-style food in the super-big Chinese-style corridor is a unique experience .

  22. 同时,总结笔者对专业翻译的认识,希望本论文可以为今后的MTI同学和中式菜肴英译的研究者起到启发和借鉴的作用。

    The author hopes that this thesis could play a role of inspiration and reference to the following MTI students and those researchers of English translation of Chinese dishes .

  23. 在河内美丽雅酒店(theMeliaHanoihotel),当地寺庙中的壁画与当代艺术齐聚一堂,从客房向外看,中式、法式和玻璃钢架结构的建筑在市中心交相辉映。

    At the Melia Hanoi hotel , murals of local temples share space with contemporary art . Guestrooms look out onto Chinese , French and glass-and-steel buildings , all mixing together in the heart of the city .

  24. 结果表明,传统中式香肠自然晾挂成熟过程中的水分活度和水分均在干燥前16d迅速下降,然后缓慢降低;

    The moisture and water activity of Chinese-style sausage dropped significantly during the first 16 days of natural air-drying , followed with slight decrease ;

  25. 1992年,我们在商场内开张Hibachi-San日本料理餐厅就是一种防御策略,就是为了防止日本餐厅供应跟熊猫快餐厅一样的中式菜品。

    We started Hibachi-San in malls in 1992 as a defensive strategy to keep Japanese restaurants from selling against our Chinese food at Panda Express .

  26. 得体的中式英语:送去主义中不可或缺的部分

    Appropriate Chinese English : An Indispensable Part in Exporting Chinese Culture

  27. 中式卷烟包装设计之管窥

    Having a Limited View of the Chinese Type Cigarette Packing Design

  28. 中式菜肴烹调自动化系统的开发研究

    The research and development of cooking automation system for chinese dishes

  29. 长沙市现代中式快餐发展对策研究

    Study on the Developing Methods of Modern Fast-food in Changsha City

  30. 知而获智观:一种经典的中式智慧观

    " Knowledge Makes Wisdom ": A Classic Chinese Notion of Wisdom