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  • talent chain
  1. 我们要推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,深化区域经济一体化,巩固供应链、产业链、数据链、人才链,构建开放型世界经济。

    We need to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation , deepen regional economic integration , and enhance supply , industrial , data and human resources chains , with a view to building an open world economy .

  2. 我国饭店人才链的失位与调整研究

    A Study on the Disequilibrium and Adjustment of Talent Chains in China 's Hospitality Industry

  3. 如何盘活一条龙竞技体育训练体制&对构建新型竞技体育人才链的思考

    How to Revitalize a " Streamlined " Athletics Training System & Thoughts on Building a New Type of Athletics Talents Chain

  4. 本文力图从人才链的失位与调整角度,研究人才缺失的原因,并探求改变现有饭店人才状况的调整策略。

    The paper tries to study the reason for insufficient talents and seeks for the adjustment tactics to change the present situation from the perspective of the disequilibrium and adjustment of talent chains .

  5. 从人才链流层与物链流层以及服务性人才与顾客链的对接两个方面阐述了高职高专毕业生的市场在服务行业有较大的空间。

    It also puts forward there is more space in service industry in two aspects : the connection between talent-chain-layer and thing-chain-layer as well as the connection of service talents and the customers .

  6. 软件与信息服务外包企业人才供应链研究

    Study of Talent Supply-Demand Chain for Software and Information Service Outsourcing Companies

  7. 首先,从供应链的思想出发,分析了IT基础人才供应链形成的背景和基础。

    Firstly , using the idea of SCM , we analyze the background and basic of constructing the Supply Chain of IT Basic Manpower .

  8. 本文运用供应链管理思想,着重从战略层角度探讨了如何建立一条效率型IT基础人才供应链问题。

    With the theory of SCM , this thesis discusses how to build an efficient supply chain of IT Basic Manpower in strategy level .

  9. 在这个生态系统中,以知识为核心构成的多条人才生态链,组成了错综复杂的人才知识网,各种营养级在此运行着人才流动、知识流动和信息传递等生态系统功能。

    In the system , various ecological chains focusing on knowledge form the complicated talent network , where different trophic levels function as talent flow , knowledge flow , and information tranfer .

  10. 第六章介绍了如何对高新技术人才供应链管理进行绩效评价,建立了高新技术企业人才供应链绩效评价指标,并选择模糊综合评价法对其进行评价。

    The sixth chapter describes how to evaluate the high-tech talent supply chain management , establishes performance evaluation indexes of the high-tech enterprise talent supply chain , and then select fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate .

  11. 职业教育集团化是最新的职业教育形式,即由政府机构、职业院校、行业企业和中介组织等自主组成又相互联系的一种人才培养链上的联结机构。

    Vocational Education is the latest form of vocational education , that is from government agencies , professional institutions , industries and enterprises and intermediary organizations , autonomous but interrelated components of a chain link training institutions .

  12. 而我国动漫产业还处于初级发展阶段,在原创能力、专业人才、产业链发展、政策环境等方面还存在很多问题。

    However , comic & animation industry in our country still stays in the primary state of development . Problems still exist in the aspects of originality , professionals , development of industry chain , policy and environment and so on .

  13. 该报告称,招聘需求显示,企业青睐为技术类职位招收人才,如区块链系统工程师、区块链技术主管和区块链架构师,且北京、上海、杭州对区块链人才的需求最大。

    Recruitment requirements show that companies prefer to hire people for technical positions , such as blockchain system engineer , blockchain technical director and blockchain architect , and that Beijing , Shanghai and Hangzhou are where demand is strongest for blockchain talents , the report said .

  14. 因此本文提出了一种新型的人才管理模式一一人才供应链管理。

    The paper presents a new model of talent management talent supply chain management .

  15. 业务伙伴要能做好管理人才,发展人才,为业务部门的业务发展提供一条可持续发展的人才供应链。

    HRBP should do a good job of talent management and provide a sustainable talent pipeline for business development .