
  1. 我们最近的出版物是一份为热心于健康的人办的杂志。

    Our latest publication is a magazine for health enthusiasts .

  2. 可能这附近有人办婚礼吧

    It 's probably just a wedding somewhere nearby .

  3. 汽车企业的技术人办资源战略

    Manpower Resources Strategy of Automobile Enterprises Technology

  4. 谢谢你,我的孩子。你给一个穷苦人办了一件好事。

    Thank you , my boy . You 've been good to a poor man .

  5. 根据航班信息这人办了登机手续

    Well , according to the flight details , this man was checked in on board .

  6. 无师自通之后,村里人办喜事都会请他出马剪纸。

    Even without a teacher , the village people would ask him to run for paper-cut wedding .

  7. 他们以给委托人办投资作为幌子捞取钱财。该珠宝公司不过是进行非法的钻石交易的幌子

    He stole money under colour of making investments for clients . The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamond

  8. 不幸的是,英国人中一半人都是丑人,但是让人吃惊的是从没人想过为丑人办个相亲网站。

    It 's a sad fact that up to half of the UK is made up of ugly people yet amazingly nobody has ever thought of providing a dating service for them .

  9. 很多人办了健身卡却很少去这个事实,对国民腰围不利,但对健身房老板却很有利。

    The fact that lots of people join gyms and rarely go to them isn 't great for our national waistline , but it 's pretty good for people who own gyms .

  10. 那个男孩被送到特为聋哑人办的学校去了。哪个学校是专门为聋哑学生或者听力有障碍的学生设计的,是。

    The boy was sent to a special school for the deaf . Gallaudet says it is the world 's only liberal arts university where everything is designed for deaf or hard-of-hearing students .

  11. 如果做一件事难度越大耗时越长,那么你去做它的几率也就越小。这就是为什么许多人办了健身房会员又中途退出只是因为不是很便利。

    Make it Convenient The more difficult and time consuming it is to take an action , the less likely you will do it . This is why so many people who buy gym memberships drop out .

  12. 领导始终重视与支持并亲自参与旱改水,甚至对旱改水中遇到问题采取急事急办、特事特办的原则,按级负责,定时、定人办法子以一一解决。

    Leaders support and personally involved in changing from dry land to paddy field , even take urgent problems encountered and centered , according to the principle of timing , level , the method of task to solve them .