
rén kǒu lǎo huà
  • Population aging;aging of population
  1. 目的:糖尿病(DM)是常见病、多发病,其患病人数正随着人民生活水平的提高、人口老化、生活方式的改变以及诊断技术的进步而迅速增加。

    Objective : The diabetes is a common disease , frequently-occurring disease , its ill number of people is running up with improvement , aging of population , change of the life style and progress of diagnosis technology of the living standards of the people .

  2. 美国全国人口老化协会正在展开一项研究,确定aricept是否可以治疗患有轻度认知障碍症的人。

    The National Institute on aging is embarking on a study to determine if Aricept can help people with mild cognitive impairment .

  3. 人口老化问题协商会议中国出口商品交易会

    Consultative Meeting on Population Aspects of Aging Chinese Export Commodities Fair

  4. 人口老化与家庭问题国际会议

    International Conference on Population Ageing in the Context of the Family

  5. 与俄罗斯一样,欧洲大陆面临人口老化、缩小。

    Like Russia , the continent has an ageing , shrinking population .

  6. 人口老化与综合国力发展不相适应;

    It is not adaptive between population aging and comprehensive national strength .

  7. 住院病人结构改变与人口老化

    Changing of the Structure of Inpatients and Population Aging

  8. 什麽是人口老化的主要影响?

    What is the main effect of aging population ?

  9. 人口老化是当今世界最重要的问题之一。

    Population ageing is one of the most important problems is the world .

  10. 人口老化和老年人口问题的本质是一个发展的问题。

    The essence of aging and aged problems belongs to issues of development .

  11. 合肥市人口老化预测

    Calculation of the population ageing in Hefei city

  12. 人口老化问题协商会议

    Problem of the elderly and the aged Consultative Meeting on Population Aspects of Aging

  13. 人口老化给养老金收支平衡带来了巨大压力。

    Aging population brought enormous pressure to the pension balance of revenue and expenditure .

  14. 中国面临人口老化危机

    China faces the crisis of an aging population

  15. 迁移与滞留:广东省人口老化的区域特征研究

    Migration and Stabilization : the Research of Regional Features of Population Aging in Guangdong Province

  16. 1982~2000年间,河南省人口老化系数增长了1.27%,人口老龄化的速度明显加快、程度不断加深。

    The speed of aging population accelerated obviously and faster than the national average level .

  17. 人口老化问题协商会议国际进口商和食品批发商协会联合会

    Consultative Meeting on Population Aspects of Aging International Federation of Importers and Wholesale Grocers Associations

  18. 沈阳市人口老化的预测

    Ageing of Population Forecast in Shenyang

  19. 人口老化问题区域讲习班;

    Regional Workshop on population ageing ;

  20. 这种局面可能无法无限期地持续下去,特别是随着人口老化和储蓄减少。

    That situation may not be sustainable indefinitely , particularly as the population ages and saves less .

  21. 论人口老化问题人口老龄化问题与老年护理

    Population Aging and Elderly Nursing

  22. 人口老化是全面解决我国人口问题和实现可持续发展战略的必由之路。

    Aging is the only course of solving population problems and realizing sustained development strategy for China .

  23. 随着人口老化,资助安老宿位的需求将不断增加。

    As the population ages , the demand for subsidised residential care places for the elderly will increase .

  24. 欧洲和北美洲人口老化问题讲习班给社会发展问题世界首脑会议的信息

    Workshop on Population Ageing in Europe and North America : A Message for the World Summit for Social Development

  25. 随着人口老化,医疗融资的问题越来越严峻。

    The problem of health-care financing has grown more acute as the problem of an ageing population has worsened .

  26. 我国人口老化与老年人口问题辨析人口老化和老年人口问题是两个既有联系又有区别的人口学概念。

    Analysis of Aging and Aged Problems in China Aging and aged Population are two basic and different demography concepts .

  27. 同时随着人口老化,以及心脏病和糖尿病一类慢性病患病人群的增加,残疾率也不断攀升。

    And disability rates are increasing as populations get older and more people get long-term conditions , like heart disease and diabetes .

  28. 在新加坡迅速崛起为一个新兴工业化国家的过程中,人口老化及其引发的老人问题也不可避免地困扰着这个国家。

    As a newly industrialized country , Singapore is unavoidably beset by ageing and the consequent problem of old people during its development .

  29. 随着全球人口老化,优质长者护理服务的需求也急剧上升。

    With the global aging of our population , the demand for quality care services for our seniors is quickly on the rise .

  30. 人口老化会引致政府在医疗和社会福利方面的支出增加,但缴纳薪俸税的人数却会减少。

    Health and social welfare costs associated with the ageing population would increase , while the number of salaries tax payers would decrease .