
  1. 人本主义学习观与当代教学观之比较研究

    The Comparative Study of the Theory of Humanistic Learning and Modern Teaching

  2. 从本质上讲,自主学习是一种人本主义学习观,自主学习能力的培养是学生实现终身学习与发展的基本要求。

    Autonomous Learning is essentially the learning attitude of humanism .

  3. 口述史在高中历史教学中运用的理论依据主要是建构主义理论和人本主义学习观。

    The main theoretical bases are the theory of constructivism and humanistic learning theory .

  4. 罗杰斯的人本主义学习观对我国优秀运动员文化教育的启示

    Enlightenment of learning view of Rogers 's humanism on the culture education of elite athletes in China

  5. 素质教育、人本主义学习观、情绪心理学理论是其理论基础。

    The quality education and a humanistic view of learning and psychology of emotion are its theoretical bases .

  6. 主体参与课堂教学是以建构主义学习观、人本主义学习观为理论基础,以教育现代化为社会基础的。

    Subject participating in classroom teaching is based on the theory of constructivism and humanism and the society of education modernization .

  7. 人本主义学习观和情绪心理学理论是其理论基础。人本主义写作理论初探

    A humanistic view of learning and psychology of emotion are its theoretical bases . Curiosity . Preliminary Study on Writing Theory of Humanism

  8. 文章从人本主义学习观出发,从研究移情与语言教学的关系入手,通过追踪英语写作教学的发展变化,说明移情在写作教学中起着日益显著的作用。

    Based on the learning concepts of humanism , this article started with the study of the relation between empathy and language teaching , discovering the increasingly distinct significance of the former in the teaching of college English writing by tracing its history .

  9. 行为主义、认知主义、人本主义和建构主义学习观为课外教学奠定了坚实的理论基础。

    What 's more , behaviorism , cognitivism , humanism and constructivism learning theories also support English extracurricular teaching .