
  • 网络Regional Council
  1. 临时区域市政局辖区可以接近病号的区域

    Provisional Regional Council area patient vicinity

  2. 区域市政局大会堂之友计划

    " Friends of Regional Council Town Halls Scheme , The "

  3. 第三版电子邮局协议临时区域市政局会议厅

    POP3 : Post Office Protocol Version 3 Provisional Regional Council Chamber

  4. 临时区域市政局辖区城市和区域研究会议

    Provisional Regional Council area Conference on Urban and Regional Research

  5. 检讨地区节日活动小组委员会〔临时区域市政局〕

    Sub-committee on Review of District Festivals Activities [ Provisional Regional Council ]

  6. 体育培训及发展专责委员会〔临时区域市政局〕

    Ad Hoc Committee on Sports Training and Development [ Provisional Regional Council ]

  7. 研究区域市政局在推动艺术方面的角色专责委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on the Regional Council 's Role in the Promotion of the Arts

  8. 临时区域市政局借用证

    Provisional Regional Council borrower 's card

  9. 区域市政局节策划指导委员会

    Steering Committee on Regional Council Festivals

  10. 临时区域市政局设有五个专责事务委员会和一个酒牌局,以履行其职责。

    The council discharged its responsibilities through five functional select committees and the Liquor Licensing Board .

  11. 临时区域市政局亦有议员50名,主席和副主席均由议员互选产生。

    The council also had 50 members , who elected the chairman and vice-chairman from among themselves .

  12. 区域市政局功能界别

    Regional Council functional constituency

  13. 临时区域市政局会议厅

    Provisional Regional Council Chamber

  14. 临时区域市政局所管理的公园和花园超逾600个,面积大小不一,当中包括6个大型公园。

    The Provisional Regional Council manages more than 600 parks and gardens of various sizes , including six major parks .

  15. 区域市政局辖区内各区的临时区议会界别分组〔新界各临时区议会界别分组〕

    Provisional District Boards for the Districts in the Regional Council Area subsector [ New Territories Provisional District Boards subsector ]

  16. 每个地区委员会皆由临时区域市政局议员及来自临时区议会和地方组织的增选委员组成。

    Each district committee comprised Provisional Regional Council members and other members co-opted from provisional district boards and the local community .

  17. 此外,临时区域市政局又与辖下新界9区的地方团体保持紧密联系,合力推广区内的康体活动。

    It also maintained close liaison with various local organisations in promoting recreational and sports activities in the nine New Territories districts .

  18. 市政局和区域市政局过往积极推动公众叁与社区管理事务,发挥了重要功能。

    Both the Urban and Regional Councils have played an important role in encouraging the communitys participation in the running of Hong Kong .

  19. 临时区域市政局财政独立,收入主要来自辖区所徵收的部分差饷。

    The council was financially autonomous . Its main source of revenue was a share of the rates collected in the area it served .

  20. 区域市政局文化博物馆发展督导委员会乡郊及新市镇规划小组委员会〔城市规划委员会〕

    Steering Committee on Development of the Regional Council Heritage Museum Rural and New Town Planning Committee [ RNTPC ] [ Town Planning Board ]

  21. 区域市政局可按该局决定的条款及条件,将任何摊档以该局厘定的租金出租予任何人。

    The Council may let any stall to any one person at such rent and subject to such terms and conditions as it may determine .

  22. 临时区域市政局继续透过地区节资助计划,资助地方团体举办适合其所属地区的康乐、体育及文娱活动。

    The District Festivals Subsidy Scheme continues to help district bodies organise public recreation , sports and cultural activities most suited to their own districts .

  23. 年底时,在临时市政局和临时区域市政局辖区服务的拯溺会分别有14个和4个。

    At the end of the year , 14 and four lifeguard clubs operated in the Provisional Urban Council and Provisional Regional Council areas respectively .

  24. 为推广康体活动,临时区域市政局在一九九七年为辖区内530735名不同年龄及体能的人士举办共7861项训练课程、比赛和康乐活动。

    To promote recreational and sports activities , the Provisional Regional Council organised a total of7861 training courses , competitions and recreational programmes for530735 people of all ages and abilities in1997 .

  25. 上述两项活动都是由旅游协会及临时区域市政局联同香港龙舟总会及香港康体发展局合办。

    Both events were organised by the HKTA and the Provisional Regional Council , in conjunction with the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Association and the Hong Kong Sports Development Board ( HKSDB ) .

  26. 会议认为,港英最后一届立法局、市政局和区域市政局、区议会于一九九七年六月三十日终止。

    The meeting thinks that the last term of the hk-uk legislative bureau , the Municipal Bureau and the regional municipal bureau , and the district parliament will terminate on june30th , 1997 .

  27. 临时区域市政局辖区重庆市是我国直辖市之一,是西南地区和长江上游重要的中心城市。

    Chongqing is one of China 's municipalities directly under the Central Government . It is also an important city and center of the southwest region and the upper areas along the Yangtze River .

  28. 区域市政局可在任何公众坟场或其他地方,以其认为适当的方式张贴告示,藉以订明该坟场接收死者遗骸的时间。

    The Council may prescribe , by notice posted in such manner as it may think fit at any public cemetery or other place , the times during which human remains may be received into the cemetery .

  29. 除非获得区域市政局书面准许,并且符合区域市政局所指明的条件,否则任何人不得在任何泳滩上张贴、竖设、展示或派发任何招贴、标语牌或告示。

    Save with the permission in writing of the council , and subject to such conditions as the Council may specify , no person shall affix , erect , exhibit or distribute any bill , placard or notice at any bathing beach .

  30. 除非获得区域市政局书面同意,否则根据第31条获批给正式牌照的人,或根据第33c条获批给暂准牌照的人,不得将其正式或暂准牌照转让他人。

    Save with the consent in writing of the council , a person to whom a full licence has been granted under bylaw31or a provisional licence has been granted under bylaw33c shall not transfer his full or provisional licence to any person .