
  1. 专利情报分析法挖掘区域优势产业的研究

    Research on the Application of Patent Information Analysis Method in the Selection of Regional Superior Industries

  2. 培育区域优势产业集群是促进区域经济增长、缩小地区收入差异的有效途径。

    Regional industrial clusters of advantage are effective ways to promote regional economic growth and reduce regional disparity .

  3. 集成型和创新型:区域优势产业培育的两种思路&中部地区优势产业培育的案例研究

    Integration and innovation : two approaches to foster regional industry of advantage & a case study of regional industry of advantage in Central China

  4. 通过对中部地区优势产业培育的案例研究,归纳出了两种培育区域优势产业集群的思路:集成型和创新型。

    Based on our cases study on mid-regional industries of advantage , we concluded two approaches to foster our regional industrial clusters of advantage : integration and innovation .

  5. 对农产品的发展优势进行评价是确定区域优势产业,调整农业产业结构的前提和基础。

    Evaluating the development superiority of the agriculture product is the premise of ascertaining the competitive industry , and the basis of adjusting the agriculture industry structure in an area .

  6. 遵循比较优势和竞争优势,扶持和推动区域优势产业的发展,促进区域内产业集群的形成和发展,科学有效的发展区域主导产业,实施有利于经济腾飞的区域经济发展战略。

    Third , following with the comparative superiority and competitive advantage , the government supports and promotes the superiority domain and cultivated the cluster in region , then develops the regional economy .

  7. 这些工业基地急待转型,急需重新确立其区域优势产业和主导产业,以保证我省经济的增长和人民的安居乐业,使我省国民经济协调和可持续发展。

    These industrial bases are in urgent need of transition , and development of determining their territorial advantageous industry and major-leading industry , to insure the economic growth and people 's wealth of our province , making our national economy development in harmony .

  8. 区域优势产业选择属于产业结构理论的范畴,是政府运用经济手段干预市场机制,为实现区域经济发展对产业结构实施自觉调整的过程,因而是区域经济发展与产业结构调整的核心问题。

    The regional superiority industry choice belongs to the industrial structure theory , it is a process that government intervenes the market mechanism by utilizing economical methods for adjusting industrial structure , thus regional superiority industry choice is the core of region economy development and industrial structure adjustment .

  9. 基于组件技术的区域农业优势产业发展规划辅助决策系统研究

    Research on a Component-based Decision Support System for Planning Regional Agricultural Advantageous Industry Development

  10. 对于中西部地区,要制定符合区域优势的产业政策,增加人力资本投资,引导东部内资向中西部转移。

    Middle and West region should make industry policy which accord with the regional advantage , increase investment in human resources and attract founds not only come from foreign but also East .

  11. 构建和发展优势特色产业,实质就是区际分工,利用区际间在生产上的专业化分工,形成在经济区域优势和产业发展指向原理基础之上的产业布局。

    Structuring and developing the characteristic advanced industries , is the expression of regional division in fact , being on the basis of the advance of the economic region and the rule of the development of the industry .

  12. 把各种补贴、奖励资金,有效地集中用于区域农业优势产业,在农业保险、土地规模经营、农业融资等方面出台优惠政策,推进农业优势产业发展。

    The various subsidies , incentive funds , effectively focused on regional agricultural industries , in agriculture , insurance , large-scale land management , agricultural finance and other aspects of preferential policies to promote the development of agricultural industries . 4 .

  13. 统筹区域优势培育农业产业特色。

    Cultivate the special characteristic of agriculture industry according to the region superiority .

  14. 产业集群与汽车工业的区域竞争优势论产业集群与西部县域工业园区发展

    The Mechanism of Industrial Clusters Fostering Competitiveness in Automobile Industry ; Elaboration on Industrial Colony and Western County Territory Industrial Park Development

  15. 发达国家和地区的发展经验表明,那些具有国际或区域竞争优势的产业大多聚集于某些特定区域并以产业集群的形式出现。

    The experiences from developed countries and regions have shown that those with international or regional competitive advantage in industries are mostly clustered in certain specific areas and in the form of industrial cluster .

  16. 区域经济内优势产业群体的形成,是在市场力量作用下众多投资者和厂商的群体选择,是由市场选择、竞争定位的。

    The forming of advantageous industry group within regional economy is the group choice of many investors and manufacturers under the market force , which is chosen by the market and decided by the competition .

  17. 基于提高产业和区域竞争优势的产业集群理论在旅游产业中的应用,对提高区域旅游业竞争力,促进区域旅游经济的发展将起到尤为重要的作用。

    The industrial cluster theory basing on competitive advantage and improving industry and regional application , is used in the tourism industry , which will play a particularly important role in improving the competitiveness of regional and promoting tourism economic development .

  18. 依托区域优势,调整农业产业结构,发展特产业,是吉林省农业发展的目标。

    The development of Jilin agriculture aims at depending on the regional advantages , adjusting agriculture structure and developing special products .

  19. 因此要发挥区域优势,利用特色产业,激活广西的发展潜能,扩展广西的发展空间。

    So it must play to regional advantages , use specialized industry to activated development potential , to expand space of development .

  20. 合理的、能充分发挥本区域优势的出口主导产业,是引导该区域产业出口创汇的引擎。

    Leading export industries which can make full use of the regional superiority are the engines which promote industries in exporting and gaining foreign exchanges .

  21. 体育用品产业集群具备规模和成本优势、信息和创新优势、区域和品牌优势、产业与市场优势以及政策与环境优势。

    Sports product clustering possesses advantage in many aspects such as mass production and cost , information and innovation , regions and brand , industry and market , policy and environment .

  22. 理论上,它有诸多理论支持:如规模经济和范围经济理论、交易成本理论、创新理论、区域竞争优势理论、产业组织理论等;

    These theories includes economics of scale and economics of scope , the theory of transaction cost , innovation theory , the theory of competitive advantage of nations , and so on .

  23. 加快滨海新区开发开放应发挥区域比较优势、优化产业结构、加强自主创新能力、完善区域服务功能。

    Accelerating the development and openness of Binhai New Area should give full play to the regional comparative advantages , optimize the industrial structure , reinforce self-innovation ability , and improve the functions serving for other regions .

  24. 立足区域比较优势,走产业化之路,发展商品农业经济,同样是不发达地区农业增效、农民增收以及破解三农问题的有效途径。

    It is also good channel of agriculture growth ? peasant increase income and getting rid of three-rural-problems in being behind with developed the area to foothold in regional compare superiority ? walk industrial way and develop commodity agriculture economy .

  25. 培育具有区域经济优势的主导产业,对地区产业结构调整与优化、分享区域分工成果、缩小地区间差异意义重大。

    Cultivating regional economic advantage dominant industry in the area , it is important significance for the adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure in areas , sharing results of regional specialization , Narrowing the regional differences and so on .

  26. 其次,畜牧产业整体素质有待快速提升,畜产品的科技含量不高,市场竞争力不强,畜牧业的区域化布局、优势产业带格局还没有真正形成,资源优势没有转变为经济优势。

    Secondly , the animal husbandry industry overall quality to rapidly promote livestock , the content of science and technology is not high , the market competition of stockbreeding , regional distribution , industrial structure is not real advantage resources advantage , no change to economic advantage .

  27. 区域特色产业是基于区域比较优势和区域产业分工而发展的,是有鲜明的地域特征和开放的市场需求的产业。

    Regional characteristic industry , which develops on the basis of regional comparative advantages and the division of regional industry , has distinctive regional characteristics and open market demand .

  28. 要根据区域资源优势,合理规划布局,形成区域优势产业和优势产品;

    According to the regional resources priority , the resources should be reasonably planned to form regional advantage industry and products .

  29. 区域经济的特色是由区际差异、区域优势、产业布局指向、劳动地域分工规律和区域利益所决定的。

    Regional economic characteristics are determined by regional differences and superiority , directionality of industrial distribution , laws of labour division and regional benefits .

  30. 应在借鉴其他国家欠发达区域开发经验的基础上,发挥区域比较优势,构建区域优势产业,形成具有竞争力的产业和区域性中心城市,是南贵昆经济区开发的重要内容。

    Developing the region should be developing its comparative advantage , setting up the regional leading industries of comparative advantage , forming the competitive industries and central cities .