
  • 网络agricultural information technology
  1. 作物模拟模型和作物管理专家系统及GIS技术等作为农业信息技术的主要研究内容,在农业信息化过程中发挥了巨大的作用。

    As the main components of agricultural information technology , crop simulation model , crop management expert system and GIS play important roles in agricultural informatization .

  2. 农业信息技术扩散与传播模式研究

    On the Expansion and Dissemination Mode of the Agricultural Information Technology

  3. 生产执行系统(MES)在GAP技术中的应用是可行的:(5)农业信息技术在烤烟GAP管理中的应用是多方面的。

    MES is possible in GAP ; ( 5 ) The agricultural information and technology is complex when it is used in flue-cured tobacco GAP .

  4. 北京市大兴区农业信息技术应用发展概况

    Introduction of application and development of agricultural information technology in Daxing

  5. 天津市农业信息技术现状及重点研究领域

    Current Situation and Main Research Area of Agricultural Informatin in Tianjin

  6. 广东省农业信息技术发展战略探讨

    Strategical Study on Development of Agricultural Information Technology in Guangdong Province

  7. 大兴区智能化农业信息技术应用与发展思考

    Application and prospect of agricultural intelligent information technology in Daxing district

  8. 应用智能化、网络化农业信息技术服务农业生产管理

    Application of Intelligent Agricultural Information Network to the Management of Agricultural Production

  9. 农业信息技术在烟草生产中的应用现状及展望

    Present status and prospect of agricultural information technology in of tobacco production

  10. 湖南省智能化农业信息技术应用渐入佳境

    Application of Intelligent Information Technology in Agriculture of Hunan Province

  11. 智能化农业信息技术及示范推广应用模式研究

    The Study of Intelligent Agriculture Information Technique and Its Demonstration & Application Modes

  12. 农业信息技术的发展与对策分析

    Analysis of Development and Strategy for Agricultural Information Technology

  13. 福建农业信息技术的开发与应用

    Development And Application of Agriculture Information Technology In Fujian

  14. 农业信息技术开发平台的研究与设计

    Study and development of the agricultural information procession platform

  15. 农业信息技术与精确农业的发展

    Development of Agricultural Information Technology and Precision Agriculture

  16. 农业信息技术的研究热点

    Hot Topic of Agricultural Information Technology Research

  17. 海南智能化农业信息技术应用示范工程的网络建设与系统开发

    System Development and Network Construction of the Hainan Intelligent Agriculture Information Technology Application Demonstration Project

  18. 文章最后对农业信息技术的发展和应用趋势作了全面分析。

    Finally , development and application trend of the agriculture information technology are overall analyzed .

  19. 开展农业信息技术支持研究,突出三个重点;

    Develop the study of agricultural information technique supporting , and stress three key points ;

  20. 针对发展现状提出发展农业信息技术存在的4个主要问题。

    There were 4 main problems in the development of agricultural information technology under current situation .

  21. 最后简要介绍了农业信息技术体系的主要技术及其应用于农业的优点。

    At last , main agricultural information techniques and their advantage used in agriculture were introduced .

  22. 智能化农业信息技术是近年来发展十分迅速的一门重要学科。

    Agricultural intellectualized information technique ( AIIT ) is an important subject which developing rapidly recent years .

  23. 本文简要阐述了黑龙江省牡丹江市智能化农业信息技术集成和应用情况。

    The integration and application of intelligence agricultural information technology in Mudanjiang City , Heilongjiang Provice was introduced .

  24. 最后提出了发展中国特色农业信息技术的若干对策。

    In the last the paper brings forward some countermeasures to develop agricultural information technology with Chinese characteristics .

  25. 虚拟植物生长是农业信息技术和计算机图形学领域中主要的研究课题之一。

    Virtual plant growth is a significant research topic in the domain of agriculture information technology and computer graphics .

  26. 农业信息技术对于农业发展的重要作用已经得到全社会的共识,农业专家系统的普及应用,有利于提高农业生产水平和技术含量。

    It is well-known that agricultural information technology has been played an important part in the course of agriculture development .

  27. 农业信息技术的广泛应用,将为21世纪农业生产发展带来一次新的革命。

    It is the extensive application of agriculture information technology that will bring a new revolution for agricultural science and technology in 21st century .

  28. 农业信息技术对改变农业生产的行业脆弱性具有重要作用,农业信息技术扩散与传播对农民增收具有一定影响。

    The agricultural information technology has the great influence on changing the agricultural production frangibility , while agricultural technology expansion pattern has the great effect on the farmer 's earnings .

  29. 应用面向对象的程序设计方法,对智能化农业信息技术中领域知识获取、组织方法及推理机、数据库、知识库的动态链接进行了深入探讨。

    This paper uses the method of object oriented design , discusses details method of field knowledge acquirement organization for intelligent agriculture IT , and dynamic link of inference ? database ?

  30. 农业信息技术的发展已受到我国政府和企业的高度重视,有关信息化农业和农业信息化在国内已经进行了许多研究。

    The development of the agricultural information technology has already been highly recognized by the government and enterprises , relevant information-based agriculture and the agriculture informationization domestic have already carried on many researches .