
  • 网络Master of Agricultural;Master of Agriculture
  1. 在雄蕊发育不西南农业大学硕士学位论文摘要同时期,不育系COD酶带数目均比保持系多;

    In the stamen growth varied period , the male sterile has more COD isozyme strips than the maintainer .

  2. 吉林农业大学硕士学位论文铜对猪下丘脑生长抑素分泌的影响综合所有试验结果,可以得出:(l)硫酸铜对体外培养的猪下丘脑神经细胞分泌SS没有直接影响。

    The results showed that sulfate copper did not directly restrain the secretion of SS from the swine hypothalamus in vivo .

  3. 华南热带农业大学硕士学位论文6、施氮量超过300Kg月加2后,蔬菜叶片中影响氮同化关键酶活性的阳离子含量显著下降,影响了蔬菜对氮的同化,叶片中全氮含量下降。

    When applied - N amount was more than 300Kg / hm2 , the contents of some cations , which effect on key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation , was declined significantly , thus , total-N decreased in leaves of swamp cabbage .

  4. 本课程为攻读农业推广硕士的学位课程。

    The course is one for degree of master of agrotechnical spread .

  5. 农业推广硕士教育质量保障体系研究

    A Study on Educational Quality Assurance System of MAE

  6. 农业推广硕士学位论文质量保障机制的探讨

    Study on the Quality Guarantee Mechanism of MAP Thesis

  7. 透析农业推广硕士专业学位

    Analysis on Professional Master Degree of Agricultural Extension

  8. 农业推广硕士专业学位教育管理过程的探讨

    An Exploratory of Educational Management Process in the Professional Master Degree of Agriculture Extension

  9. 农业推广硕士与现代农业发展关系研究

    Study on Relationship between MAE and Modern Agriculture

  10. 而在两种电解质体系中表面电荷总量、表面电荷密度大致相当,这从一个侧面反映了紫色土表面电荷主西南农业大学硕士学位论文摘要-.口豆口。

    But the charge quantity , surface charge density is almost same in both type .

  11. 我省农业推广硕士专业人才培养探讨

    A Probe into Training Talented persons by promoting MA Programs of Agricultural Disciplines in Hainan Province

  12. 拔大蒜那天,我遇到了一些来自佛罗里达奥兰多市的学习农业的硕士研究生。

    At that day , I met some Agriculture master students came from Orlando , Florida .

  13. 选题是农业推广硕士生培养过程中的一个十分重要的环节。

    Topic selection of theses is a key link in the training of agricultural extension master students .

  14. 农业推广硕士中新增农业生物技术领域的必要性及可行性分析

    On the Necessity and Feasibility of Adding " Agricultural Biotechnology " Courses to Agricultural Extension Master Degree System

  15. 农业推广硕士专业学位的设立,推动了农业的发展,适应了时代的进步。

    Setting up the master degree of agriculture extension promoted the development of agriculture and adapted advancement of the age .

  16. 还具有众多的生理活性:抗氧化、促进酵母发酵活性,还具有抗疲劳,促进乙醇代谢活性,吉林农业大学硕士学位论文玉米肤的制备、特性及活性研究且有量效关系。

    Further more corn peptide has many physiological activity : anti-oxidation promoting yeast fermentation activity anti-fatigue , promoting the alcohol metabolism activity and has quantity and effect connection .

  17. 本文分析认为,在农业推广硕士教育发展的不同阶段,影响农业推广硕士教育质量的因素有所差异;

    In our research , we conclude that factors influencing the education quality in MAE are different during the different phases of the development of education in MAE .

  18. 目前,没有一套原版教材能直接用于我国农业院校硕士生分子生物学双语教学。

    At present in China , there are not any original-version textbooks which can be directly applied in the bilingual teaching of molecular biology for master postgraduates in agricultural universities .

  19. 本文分析研究了农业推广硕士教育质量形成的过程。认为其质量形成可分为三个阶段:初级质量阶段、次级质量阶段和终产品质量阶段。

    This thesis studies the formation of education quality in MAE , and divides the course into three phases : primary quality phase , secondary quality phase and final quality phase .

  20. 在现状分析的基础上,提出了农业推广硕士教育师资队伍建设的战略目标及模式,尝试建立农业推广硕士教育师资队伍遴选与考核评价标准。

    This research attempts to draw up the choosing and inspection evaluation criteria of teachers ' troop of agricultural extension master education on the foundation of generalized analysis of the first several chapters .

  21. 农业推广硕士专业学位是国务院学位委员会于2000年新增的专业学位类型,其教育管理过程尚属于起步创新阶段。

    The Professional Master Degree of Agriculture Extension is a new type of professional degree approved by the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council in 2000.The educational management process is in the beginning stage .

  22. 并给出了各种语言环境下调用存储过程的使用方法,最后指出了使用存储过程应该注意的事项。华中农业大学硕士学位论文令存储过程;

    Then it gives the methods of how to call stored procedure in various language environment . In the end the paper points out we should pay attention to items during the course of using stored procedure .

  23. 最后,从认识、结构、培训与培养、激励机制以及校外导师的建设几个方面提出农业推广硕士教育师资队伍建设的对策与建议。

    At last , proposes the countermeasures and the suggestions of teachers ' troop construction of agricultural extension master education mainly from the understanding , the structure , the training and raising , the incentive mechanism as well as extracurricular teachers ' construction .

  24. 分析农业推广硕士专业人才培养对促进海南省农业经济发展的意义,并针对性地从培养目标、课程设置、教学方式、建立监督机制等方面提出农业推广硕士专业人才培养对策。

    This paper explores the significance of training talented persons by promoting MA programs of agricultural disciplines for the economic development in Hainan province , and also puts forward correspondent strategies in terms of training objectives , offering courses , and building supervision systems .

  25. 农业推广硕士质量保障体系分为内部质量保障体系和外部质量保障体系两部分。两部分共同协调配合,完成保障农业推广硕士教育质量的任务。

    The quality educational quality assurance system of the professional degree of MAE is divided into two parts : interior quality assurance system and exterior quality assurance system , which cooperate together to complete the task of guaranteeing the quality of the professional degree education of MAE .

  26. 农业院校工程硕士学位设立与培养的扼要分析

    A Brief Analysis of Establishment of Engineering Master 's Degree and Education of Engineering Postgraduates

  27. 本论文对高等农业院校农科硕士研究生课程结构体系创新作了深入而系统的探索。

    The paper made a deep and systematic study on the curriculum structure system of agricultural discipline postgraduate .

  28. 论财经商贸高校学生信息素养的培养写在山西财经大学建立农业经济管理硕士点之际

    On Cultivation in Information Literacy of Financial and Commercial Schools ' Students Words Written upon Setting up the Master Program of Agricultural Economic Management in SUFE

  29. 间作对穗位叶以上的茎叶夹角也有影响,使群体河南农业大学200届硕士学位论文上部的叶片渐趋匀质化;

    Effects of angle between stem and leaves above ear resulted in top leaves of the colony homoeonomous trend gradually in intercropping .

  30. 由此得出结论:长-吉-平地区农业产业化进入新的发展吉林农业大学硕士学位论文长一吉一平农业产业化密集带建设研究阶段,建设长一吉一平农业产业化密集带时机成熟。

    So can draw the conclusion : agriculture industrialization has entered a new stage in the c-j-p region and it is time to construct the intensive belt .