
nónɡ yè fǎ
  • agricultural law;law of agriculture
  1. 结合美国2002年5月出台的农业法的主要内容与WTO协议有关条款分析了美国的农业政策。

    This paper analyses the agricultural law of America in May 2002 , and the items of WTO . It is concluded that some of the agricultural policies of American outrun the items of WTO .

  2. 2001年农业法研究综述

    Review of Study on the Agricultural Law in the Year of 2001

  3. 农业法基本原则探讨

    A Probe into the Basic Principles of Agricultural Law

  4. 修改与完善《农业法》若干法律制度的思考

    Amending and Perfecting Some Legal Systems of Agriculture Law

  5. 我国现行农业法对农业投入与农业支持保护作了较为系统的规定。

    The present Agricultural Law gives a relatively systematic regulation on agricultural input and its support and protection .

  6. 农业法在维护国家利益的同时,应强调保护农民的权益和利益;

    How to make agriculture legislation not only maintain the national benefits but also protect farmers interests and rights ;

  7. 1985年农业法推行农业市场化改革,从而揭开了农产品自由贸易政策的篇章。

    The agricultural act of 1985 pushed marketing reform on agriculture , marking the beginning of the free trade policy of agricultural products .

  8. 美国农业法的主要内容就是维持对农业的大力补贴,其特点就是保护和投资。

    In the United States , the main content of the agricultural law is the substantial subsidy to the farming industry and its main feature is the protection and investment .

  9. 农业法具有自身的基本属性和基本特征以及基本原则,农业法学已经成长为我国法学园地中绽开的一朵奇葩。

    Agricultural law has basic properties , characters and principles of its own , and it has grown up into a remarkable flower in the garden of law in our state .

  10. 动物福利立法的这些特点,是卫生法、农业法、环境资源法、经济法、商法、社会保障法所不具有或者不全部具有的。

    These characters are not reflected or fully reflected in sanitation law , agriculture law , environmental and natural resources law , economic law , commercial law and social insurance law .

  11. 对《农业法》中农业投入与支持保护若干规定的分析&兼论2004年中央一号文件的相关规定

    Analysis on Some Regulations Concerning " Agricultural Input and Its Support and Protection " In the State 's Agricultural Law & Commment on Some Regulations of the State 's No.1 Document in 2004

  12. 从1933年第一部系统的农业法开始实行以来,美国先后出台了数十个有关农业补贴的法律,对农业进行了长期高强度的补贴,形成了有特色的补贴体系。

    Dozens of agricultural subsidy laws have been issued in the United States since the first systematic agricultural law was implemented in 1933 . A lot of long-term subsidies for agriculture are conducted and the subsidy system with characteristics is formed .

  13. 新《农业法》的创新性规定主要体现在:统筹城乡经济发展,实现了国民经济发展结构的历史性突破;

    These innovatory regulations of the new Agriculture Law mainly embody that the urban development is unified as a whole with the rural development in planning , which realizes a historic break ˉ through of the developmental structure of our national economy ;

  14. 美国国会正与布什政府就农业法草案进行磋商,该法案将确定今后5年的农业政策。根据该法案,乙醇补贴仅由每加仑51美分小幅降至45美分。

    The draft farm bill , which is being negotiated between Congress and the White House and will set agricultural policies for the next five years , contains only a small cut in ethanol subsidies , from 51 cents a gallon to 45 cents .

  15. 我国农业法应专列农业补贴一章,规定农业直接支付补贴、农业生产资料投入补贴、农业环境保护补贴、不发达地区农业开发补贴等制度,同时规定农业补贴相关主体的责任追究机制。

    The Chinese agriculture law should sets up a special chapter for agriculture subsidy , which stipulates agriculture direct pay subsidy , agriculture production resource input subsidy , agriculture environment protection subsidy , non-developed area agriculture development subsidies and relevant subjects ' liability investigation mechanism .

  16. 1933年的农业调整法也承认市场合同和指令。

    The 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act had also authorized marketing agreements and orders .

  17. 农业合作社法是农业合作经济的主体法律。

    The legal of agricultrial cooperation is the main legal of agricultrial cooperative economy .

  18. 第五部分是对我国农业保险法构建的设想。

    Part V is a tentative idea of the construction of agricultural insurance law in China .

  19. 在一些州实施的农业区域法已经把纳税权、经营权和国家征用权结合在一起了。

    Agricultural-district laws adopted in several states involve combinations of the powers of taxation , spending , and eminent domain .

  20. 中国经济思想史研究的意义:以美国《1933年农业调整法》为例

    The Significance of the Study of the History of the Chinese Economic Thought : an American Example in the 1930s

  21. 《1938年农业调整法》与常平仓:美国当代农业繁荣的保障

    A Safeguard for the Prosperity of the Modern American Agriculture : The Ever Normal Granary and the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938

  22. 因此,本文的研究出发点在于为我国农业保险法的制定提供理论基础和制度框架。

    The research purpose of the article is to provide theoretic basis and institutional frame for the legislation of our agricultural insurance law .

  23. 因此,借鉴国外立法经验,制定农业保险法,是推动我国农业保险制度不断完善的唯一途径。

    Therefore , learning from foreign legislative experience and drawing up the agricultural insurance law are the only way to promote our own agricultural insurance system continuously .

  24. 富兰克林d罗斯福总统于1933年上任,他首先提出的措施之一就是“农业调整法”,国会随即通过了这一法案。

    One of the first measures proposed by President Franklin D.Roosevelt when he took office in1933 was the agricultural adjustment act , which was subsequently enacted by congress .

  25. 分别从必要性和可行性的角度对构建我国农业保险法作出分析,得出构建我国农业保险法的时机已经成熟的结论。

    The author separately analyzes the necessity and feasibility of constructing Chinese agricultural insurance law , and concludes that the time is coming to construct Chinese agricultural insurance law .

  26. 日本于1929年,1938年和1947年颁布三部有关农业保险法,即《家畜保险法》、《农业保险法》和《农业灾害补偿法》。

    Japan in 1929 , 1938 and 1947 promulgated three related agricultural laws of insurance , namely " Domestic Animal Law of Insurance ", " Agricultural Law of Insurance " and " Agricultural Disaster Compensation Laws " .

  27. 并对照农业推广法,分析根源,提出技术本身的实效与研究推广人员自身素质是推广普及成功与否的关键因素。

    According to the act of popularization in agriculture , a new connotation about the study , development and the article puts forward that whether the popularization is successful or not depends on the actual effect of technology itself and the speaders ' diathesis .

  28. 新韩国农业协同组合法及其启示

    On the New Agricultural Cooperative Law in South Korea and its Enlightenment

  29. 我国农业自然资源法的问题与改善途径初探

    Preliminary research on the improvement of the law of agricultural natural resources of China

  30. 受污染土壤造成的农业损失评估法可分为当年评估与后评估,相应地农业损失评估计量是当年评估值与未来年份内应当考虑的若干个后评估累计值的加和。

    The total loss for agriculture from contaminated soil is summed from both values of current assessment and successive assessment .