
  • 网络Agricultural extension;mae
  1. 农业推广硕士与现代农业发展关系研究

    Study on Relationship between MAE and Modern Agriculture

  2. 本文分析认为,在农业推广硕士教育发展的不同阶段,影响农业推广硕士教育质量的因素有所差异;

    In our research , we conclude that factors influencing the education quality in MAE are different during the different phases of the development of education in MAE .

  3. 本文根据农业推广中存在的问题,论述了VPN技术的特点,并分析了VPN技术在农业推广中的应用。

    This paper expands the existent problem according to the agriculture popularization , discusses the technicals of VPN , and analyzes the technical application of VPN in agriculture popularization .

  4. 加入WTO以后,农业推广目标已由单纯追求产量转向追求提高经营效益、提高生活质量、提高环境质量、提高竞争能力、农业可持续发展等多种目标。

    After joining WTO , agricultural extension goal by simple to pursue the output to pursue and raise benefit of dealing Improve life quality , raise environmental quality , many kinds of goal of raising competitive power , agricultural sustainable development etc in already .

  5. 农业推广走向市场经济后的困境与对策

    The Difficulty and Countermeasure of Agricultural Extension under the Market Economy

  6. 国营农垦企业财务包干农业推广及发展服务

    Financial contract of national reclaimation farms agricultural extension and development services

  7. 加强福建省农业推广体系建设的思考

    A consideration of strengthening construction of agricultural extension system in Fujian

  8. 大学依托型农业推广中农民技术培训模式研究

    Models of Peasant 's Training under the Agricultural Extension of University-Depending

  9. 对改革福建省基层农业推广站的几点思考

    The Ideas of Reforming the Grass-roots Agricultural Technical Station in Fujian

  10. 建立国家农业推广信息化网络服务体系。

    To set up the national agricultural extension information network service system .

  11. 发展节水农业推广渠道防渗新成果

    To Develope Water-saving Agriculture and Popularize New Achievement of Canal Seepage Control

  12. 金陵大学农学院农业推广及其效益

    Agricultural Promotion of Agricultural College of University of Nanking and its Benefits

  13. 甘肃能源型生态农业推广效益分析

    Benefits of the Popularization of the Energy Based Eco-Agriculture Model in Gansu

  14. 国外促进农业推广发展的有力举措

    Some Methods on Promoting Agricultural Extension Development in Foreign Countries

  15. 现阶段湖南农业推广现存问题及解决路径

    The Main Issue and Resolution Ways of Agricultural Popularization in Hunan Province

  16. 热带农业推广体系的现状与发展对策

    Present Situation and Future Development of Tropical Agricultural Extension System

  17. 美国合作农业推广体制及其对我国的启示

    American Co-operative Agricultural Extension System and its Enlightenment for China

  18. 中国农业推广理论与实践发展研究

    Study on Agriculture Extension Theory and Practical Development in China

  19. 连锁辐射农业推广模式方法研究

    Study of the Model and the Method of Agriculture Extension of Linkage-radiation

  20. 我国历史上的农业推广述评

    A review of agricultural extensions in the history of China

  21. 无公害蔬菜生产面临的问题及农业推广人员的责任

    Responsibility of Agricultural Extension Worker and Problem in Vegetable Production of Non-Pollution

  22. 本课程为攻读农业推广硕士的学位课程。

    The course is one for degree of master of agrotechnical spread .

  23. 对现代农业推广的策划,主要从两个方面米进行,对于面向行为主体的策略主要由农村精英来承担;

    The scheme of modern agriculture extension should be put in two ways .

  24. 开辟了农业推广灰色决策应用的途径。

    Developed the agricultural extension pessimistic decision-making application way .

  25. 县级农业推广体系建设的影响因素和发展对策的分析

    Analysis of Constraints and Development Strategy on Agricultural Extension System at County Level

  26. 农业推广在移民经济开发中的应用

    The Application of the Agricultural Popularization in the Development of the Immigrant Economy

  27. 金沙江干热河谷地区农业推广策略初探

    The Preliminary Study on The Agricultural Extension of day-Hot Valley in Jinsha River

  28. 农业推广是一种发展农村经济、农村社会的咨询活动。

    Agricultural extension is a social consultation action for development of rural economics .

  29. 现代农业推广体系与机制研究

    Study of Modern Agricultural Extension System and Mechanism

  30. 研究了农业推广灰色系统的特性。

    Studied the agricultural extension gray system characteristic .