
  • 网络Cold atomic fluorescence method;cvafs
  1. 半封闭溶样冷原子荧光法测定鱼体中的总汞

    A Methodological Development of Total Mercury in Fish Tissue by Using Half-closed Digestion and CVAFS

  2. 将半封闭混酸消化法与冷原子荧光法并用,对鱼体肌肉组织在95~140℃下进行消化并测定其总汞含量。

    By using half-closed , mixture acid and CVAFS , fish tissue had been digested at 95 ~ 140 ℃ and its total mercury content was determined .

  3. 高压密封湿法消解-冷原子荧光法测定品成色剂中的微量汞

    Determination of Trace Mercury in Coupler with Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence

  4. 冷原子荧光法测定汞的实验条件的探讨

    Discussion on Experimental Condition of Measuring Mercury by Cold Atomic Fluorescence Method

  5. 气体发生&冷原子荧光法测定水样中痕量汞

    Determination of Trace Mercury in Water Sample by Vapour Generation-Cold-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

  6. 冷原子荧光法间接测定痕量砷的研究

    Indirect Determination of Micro Amounts of Arsenic by Cold Atomic Fluorescence Method

  7. 绞股蓝中微量汞的冷原子荧光法测定

    Determination of trace mercury in Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Makino using cold atomic fluoremetry

  8. 微波消解冷原子荧光法测定市售猪肉中的痕量汞

    Determination of Trace Mercury in Pork by Microwave Digestion-Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

  9. 冷原子荧光法间接测定中药材中无机硫

    Indirect Determination of Inorganic Sulfur in Traditional Chinese Medicine by Cold Atomic Fluorometry

  10. 气液平衡-冷原子荧光法测定痕量汞

    Determination of Trace Mercury by Cool Atomic Fluorescence Photometry

  11. 本文介绍了冷原子荧光法测定海洋沉积物中汞的分析方法。

    A method to determine Hg in marine sediment is proposed in this paper .

  12. 高锰酸钾硫酸过硫酸钾消化冷原子荧光法测定总悬浮颗粒物中痕量汞

    Determination of tracer Hg in TSP by kmno_4-h_2so_4-k_2s_2o_8 digestion and cold atom fluorescence method

  13. 本法分析样品与冷原子荧光法的结果一致。

    The analytical results of samples agree with those obtained by cold atomic fluorescence method .

  14. 冷原子荧光法测定近海沉积物中汞含量的不确定度探讨

    Study on the uncertainty in mercury measurement in offshore sediment using cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry

  15. 不同载气对冷原子荧光法直接测定海水中的痕量汞的影响

    The effect of carrier gases on cold vapour atomic fluorescence for direct determination of mercury concentration in seawater

  16. 本文讨论了冷原子荧光法测定水样中微量、痕量和超痕量汞的最佳条件;

    This paper discussed the ultratrace determination of mercury in water samples , selecting the optimal analysis conditions .

  17. 研究用冷原子荧光法测定多种物料中痕量汞的测定方法,拟定出一般矿石、锑矿、煤、土壤、硝酸银及污水的硝化及测定方法。

    A method for determination of trace mercury in materials by means of non-dispersive atomic fluorescence spectrometry has been tested .

  18. 本文提出了一个氢化物发生一冷原子荧光法间接测定痕量锑的新方法。

    A new method is proposed for the indirect determination of microamount of antimony using hydride generation and cold atomic fluorescence technique .

  19. 极低浓度硼氢化钾还原连续流动冷原子荧光法测定土壤中痕量汞

    Determination of Trace Mercury in Soil by Continuous Flow Cold Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry Using Extremely Low Concentration of Potassium Tetrahydroborate as Reducing Agent

  20. 研究了以高锰酸钾消化,冷原子荧光法测定水质中汞的最佳测定条件。

    The optimal conditions for determination of mercury in water by cold vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry and for sample digestion with potassium permanganate are described .

  21. 采用冷原子荧光法间接测定中药材(黄芪和使君子)中的无机硫,建立了测定中药材中无机硫的方法,确定了定量分析的条件。

    Indirectly determine the inorganic sulfur in the traditional Chinese medicine by the cold atomic fluorometry , establish the method determining inorganic sulfur , and make the condition for quantitative analysis .

  22. 采用小型一级气液分离器的两级气液分离的方法,流动注射-氢化物发生-冷原子荧光光谱法测定了土壤中痕量汞。

    Trace mercury in soil was determined by flow injection-hydride generation-cold atomic fluorescence spectrometry .

  23. 冷原子荧光光度法测定人奶中的汞&硼氢化钾直接还原法

    Determination of Mercury Content in Human Milk by Cold Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry with Potassium Borohydride Reduction

  24. 流动注射在线吸附预富集-冷蒸气原子荧光法测定矿泉水中的痕量无机汞

    Determination of Trace Inorganic Mercury in Mineral Water by Flow Injection On-line Sorption Preconcentration-Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

  25. 两次金汞齐-冷原子荧光光谱法测定大气中的痕量气态总汞

    Determination of trace total gaseous mercury in the atmosphere by two-stage gold amalgamation cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy

  26. 建立了悬浮液进样流动注射在线微波消解冷蒸气原子荧光光谱法测定生物和环境样品中Hg的方法。

    The method of slurry sampling flow injection-microwave digestion with cold vapor generation-atomic fluorescence detection for the determination of mercury in biological and environmental samples is proposed .

  27. 非色散冷原子荧光测汞法最佳实验条件的探讨

    Optimum Condition for the Determination of Mercury by Non-Dispersive Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

  28. 关于冷原子荧光测汞法灵敏度和稳定性影响因素的探讨

    Discussion about Influence Factors of the Sensitivity and Stability of Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Method

  29. 电解冷蒸气发生原子荧光法测定痕量汞

    Electrolytic Cold Vapor Generation for Determination of Hg in Biologic Samples by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

  30. GB/T16781.2-1997天然气中汞含量的测定冷原子荧光分光光度法

    Natural gas-Determination of mercury & Cold atomic fluorescent spectrophotometry