
  • 网络cold surge
  1. 一次冷涌过程的静止卫星水汽图像分析

    A Case Analysis of Vapour Images of a Cold Surge

  2. 冬季风期间南海地区冷涌的动力学分析

    Dynamical analysis of cold surge in the South China Sea during winter monsoon

  3. 南海冷涌期大气动力学与能量学特征

    Characteristics in atmospheric dynamics and energetics during the South China Sea cold surge periods

  4. 冷涌期中低纬地区能量增大,通过能量的频散作用把中低纬环流连结起来了。

    Simultaneously increased energy links up middle and low latitudes circulations through its dispersive effects .

  5. 末日意识两次冷涌过程的分析

    An analysis of two cold surges

  6. 一次东亚寒潮爆发后冷涌发展的研究

    A case study of development of a cold surge after outbreak of cold wave in East Asia

  7. 北半球冬季冷涌及其反馈过程对我国南方降水的影响

    Influence of cold surges and its feedback in northern winter on Precipitation in the south of China

  8. 对大气动力学中几个概念的商榷南海冷涌期大气动力学与能量学特征

    Discussion about several concepts in atmospheric dynamics characteristics in atmospheric dynamics and energetics during the South China Sea cold surge periods

  9. 本文利用两次船舶航行实测资料及部分常规观测资料研究了两次冷涌过程的时&空结构。

    Using the observations from two marine surveys and some conventional sources , temporal-spacial structure is analysed for tow cold current surges .

  10. 东亚强寒潮&冷涌越过赤道并引发南半球热带气旋和强降水的个例研究

    A Study of East Asia Strong Cold Wave & Surge Crossing Equator and Influencing the Development of Tropical Cyclone and Heavy Rainfall in the Southern Hemisphere

  11. 冷涌爆发后,斧形干区南压过程中演变为倒T形干区,之后倒T形干区转变为西南东北向的带状干区进入南海海面。

    After outbreak , the axe-shape arid region is turning into the inverted T shape as moving to south , followed by turning to southwest-northeast zonal arid region and moving to South China Sea .

  12. 源地冷空气强度变异与冷涌活动特征的数值试验

    The Numerical Experiments on the Influence , of Intensities of Cold Sources on the Active Feature of Cold Surge