
  1. 高空辐散和低空辐合为雷暴天气的发生和加强创造了动力抬升条件;

    Upper divergence and lower convergence provided together the dynamic lifting condition for thunderstorm weather and its strengthens .

  2. 在气旋爆发性发展过程中,上升运动、正涡度以及高空辐散和低空辐合的散度场皆达到最强。

    The strongest vertical motion , positive vorticity and upper level divergence and low level convergence were observed in explosive developmental process of the cyclones .

  3. 相应高空辐散和水汽输送在印度半岛、中南半岛中部、中国华北和东北地区都是减弱的,也表明夏季风减弱。

    The upper divergence and watervapor transport decrease in Indian peninsula , central Indo-China peninsula , North China and northeast china , indicating the weakening of summer monsoon as well .

  4. 结果表明,低空辐合、高空辐散的散度场结构及其演变与暴雪切变线的生成发展及暴雪落区相对应。

    The results showed that structure and evolution of divergence field with an intensive lower level convergence and upper level divergence were related to the genesis and development of the mesoscale shear line and snowstorm .

  5. 当高空辐散区东移并叠加在低层辐合区的上空时,整个对流层出现了强对流活动,对流层中层上升速度最大,强暴雨即发生于此区域。

    When the upper divergence moves eastward and overlaps the lower convergence , a strong convective activity will occur throughout the troposphere , with a maximum ascending velocity at the mid-level of the troposphere , wherein severe heavy rain develops .

  6. 位势高度场梯度增大,华南高空维持辐散的西北气流,西南低涡向北移动,西南季风活跃。

    Geopotential height field gradient increased divergence in southern China to maintain northwest flow in high-altitude . The vortex in southwest moves to north , and the southwest monsoon active .

  7. 强垂直上升运动与高空强辐散和低空强辐合以及对流云团的发展互耦;

    The intensive ascending motion and the intense convergence ( divergence ) on the lower ( upper ) levels as well as the development of the convective cloud cluster were intercoupling ;

  8. 当时整个华北地区散度场由地面到高空呈现辐合-辐散-辐合-辐散的配置。

    At that time , the whole North China divergence field by ground to altitude show convergence-divergence-convergence-divergence configuration .

  9. 低层中尺度低压环流的扰动,并与高空急流南侧的辐散区耦合,产生强烈的上升运动;

    The coupling of a meso-scale low pressure and the divergence zone of an upper-level jet caused strong upward motion .