
  • 网络MoCom;Gorm den Gamle
  1. 国际足联的五个顶级赞助商——可口可乐,高兹普罗姆公司,阿迪达斯,Visa,韩国现代,在2015年赞助了1亿8千万美元。

    Fifa 's top five sponsors - Coca Cola , Gazprom , Adidas , Visa , Hyundai - paid some $ 180m to the governing body between them in 2015 .

  2. 第二个困境源于一项在七月将天然气供应额度和公寓收费双双提升15%的承诺;高兹普罗姆公司一段时间以来一直为此呼吁,但依然被推迟到大选之后。

    A second dilemma will come over a promised increase of as much as 15 % in gas and communal apartment charges in July ; a rise that Gazprom , among others , has been pushing for some time , but which was delayed until after the election .