
  • 网络augustan age
  1. 那些了解奥古斯都时代的人都知道,罗马是一个大城市。

    Rome in the Augustan Age was considered a large city by those who knew it .

  2. 奥古斯都时代作为罗马从共和走向帝制的关键转折点,起到了承上启下的重要作用。

    Augustan Age as the key turning point of Republican Rome to imperial Rome , played a important role in the nexus .

  3. 论文还要求你阐述对Zanker论述有关奥古斯都时代形象的理解。

    Demonstrating an understanding of Zanker 's argument ( s ) about images in the Age of Augustus is also required .

  4. 罗马帝国的全盛期是在奥古斯都时代。

    Rome was in its prime in the age of Augustus .

  5. 奥古斯都时代可以说是罗马历史的一个非常重要的时代。

    Augustus age was an important era in Rome empire .

  6. 换言之,说明了奥古斯都时代成功的原因,也就离揭开罗马成功之谜又走近了一步。

    It can be said that , if we can explain the reasons of success in Augustan Age , we could approach the mystery of Roman success by a step forward .

  7. 奥古斯都自己朗诵,并资助有天赋的人甚至天才们,以赞颂新纪元&奥古斯都时代的荣耀。

    Augustus himself recited and subsidized talent , even genius , to proclaim the glories of the new era , the Augustan Age .