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  1. 同时在高兴镇建立垃圾焚烧站,并且对其焚烧烟气进行环境影响评估。

    At the same time glad that the town establish waste incineration station , and its environmental impact assessment incineration flue gas .

  2. 为此,本文以兴国县高兴镇为例,通过对农村生活垃圾的产量和结构等调查,结合当地群众对垃圾处理的态度,运用层次分析法筛选出农村生活垃圾无害化处理的最佳方案。

    Paper on rural living garbage output and structure of masses , combining local investigation garbage attitude , using ahp rural living garbage disposal were the best scheme .

  3. 同时我非常高兴请回了本镇最受欢迎的公民来完成鸣钟这项光荣的使命

    And ... and I would like to welcome back one of our town 's favorite sons to do the honors of ringing our official charter bell .