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  1. 数学视频挑战赛是一种协同比赛。

    The Math Video Challenge is a competition , but a collaborative one .

  2. 能打一场NBA篮球赛是一种莫大的福气。

    It was a blessing just to play one NBA basketball game .

  3. 不让人看谁赢了鸽子乒乓赛就是一种惩罚。

    Not getting to see who wins at pigeon ping-pong comes to mind .

  4. 参加赛车竟赛的一种快车。

    A person who races such an automobile .

  5. 公开赛:一种男女皆可参加的比赛。

    Open : A style of competition in which both men and women may enter .

  6. 通过对面料性能的对比测试与分析,表明丽赛是一种可用于开发导湿针织面料的材料。

    Relevant tests and analysis showed Richcel was a kind of practicable material of wicking knitted fabrics .

  7. 个人追逐赛是一种速度、战略和勇气的比赛,车手们不但要相互比赛,也要与时间比赛。

    Individual pursuit is a contest of speed , tactics and nerve with cyclists racing both each other and the clock .

  8. 一人在首届世界龙舟锦标赛上获得二枚金牌。龙舟赛是一种活跃而又振奋精神的运动。

    One person won two gold medals in the first dragon-boat world championship . The dragon-boat race is a lively but also serious sport .

  9. 船队赛:一种比赛方式,所有参赛选手同时参加比赛,是奥运会主要比赛方式。

    Fleet racing : A style of race where all the competitors sail against each other at once , the predominant form of sailing at the Olympic Games .

  10. 大学饮酒赛已经变成一种正规的竞赛了。

    A onetime college drinking game has turned into some serious business .

  11. 一个充满活力的王朝用来吸引那些只想看到伟大的普通观众,一个超级引人注目的休赛期和耐人寻味的常规赛用来吸引四种的观众。

    A dynamite dynasty to attract the casual viewers who only want to see greatness , a super-compelling offseason and intriguing regular season to keep the die-hards engaged .

  12. 正是这一特殊的群体、特殊的生存状态、社会角色和特殊的传承和演出方式,使得他们对迎神赛社呈现一种动态的保存,戏剧活化石现象凸现无疑。

    Just because of this special group , special living conditions , social role and special inheritance and performance , they turn into the active preservation of village festival .

  13. 考虑到世界杯赛有这样一种历史传统,即东道主皆有从第一轮中胜出的规律,南非也会一样,这就是说,在进入杯赛的第二轮中,下一个对手就是从A组一跃而出的南非。

    Given the tournament history of host nations advancing out of the first round , South Africa could find a way through , which means the second spot from Group A could well come down to this one .