
  • 网络cyberpunk
  1. 威廉·吉布森是一位极其受欢迎又备受争议的科幻小说家,是现代赛博朋克科幻小说之父。

    William Gibson is an extremely popular and controversial science fiction writer who is known as the father of the modern " Cyber Punk " novel .

  2. 如果说威廉·吉布森是赛博朋克科幻小说之父,那么奥森·斯科特·卡德就是确定现代科幻小说写作方向的“现代声音”。

    If William Gibson is the father of Cyber-punk science fiction , then Orson Scott Card is the modern voice that set the direction of modern science fiction .

  3. 故事发生在一个赛博朋克式的现代城市里,哪吒“转世”的李云祥,似乎有了个“阿丽塔”般有明艳短发的女友(这些都是靠看片花猜的)。

    In the trailer , audiences can see Nezha 's new " incarnation " in a cyberpunk-style modern city with his short-haired girlfriend , who looks a bit like Alita , the hero of James Cameron 's Alita : Battle Angel ( I guessed the two characters ' relationship from the trailer ) .