
  • 网络Seediq
  1. 片中没有国语对白,而是全程采用赛德克族语和日语,配以中文字幕。

    No Chinese is spoken in the film . Rather , only Seediq and Japanese are used , with Chinese subtitles .

  2. 上周,这部长达四个半小时的史诗巨片成为入围奥斯卡最佳外语片奖初选名单的九部影片之一,该影片以1930年台湾当地赛德克族发动反对日本殖民统治的武装起义的真实故事为蓝本。

    Last week , the 4-1 / 2-hour film - based on the true story of Taiwan 's indigenous Seediq tribes who launched an armed uprising against Japanese rule in 1930 - was among nine films short-listed for the foreign-language category .