
  • 网络Match point;matchpoint;start;game point
  1. 阿加西看到了机会,再次以一个闪电式的正手击球拿到了赛点。

    Agassi saw his chance and , with another lightning forehand , reached match point .

  2. 这场比赛的尾声尤其令人震惊,塞雷娜·威廉姆斯(SerenaWilliams)在赛点上双发失误,让对面的两位姑娘欣喜若狂。

    The ending came in particularly stunning fashion when Serena Williams double-faulted on match point , sending their opponents into a giddy celebration on the court .

  3. 然后到了最后的赛点,我几乎失控了。

    Then it got to match point and I lost it .

  4. 人生的困境&解读《无名的裘德》《赛点》:偶然的深渊和人生的困境

    Match Point : Accidental Abyss and Dilemma of Life Dilemma of Delist

  5. 比赛来到了决胜局,马龙手握赛点,

    It goes to a deciding game and Ma has matched point ,

  6. 《赛点》:偶然的深渊和人生的困境

    Match Point : Accidental Abyss and Dilemma of Life

  7. 我倒要问问赛点在哪里?

    I wonder what the point is ?

  8. 嘿,都到赛点了。

    Hey , it was match point .

  9. 李娜以总比分2-6、6-1、6-3击败捷克选手佩特拉·科维托娃,职业生涯首次打入法网女单八强,图为她拿下赛点后兴奋地庆祝。

    China 's Li Na celebrates match point after her2-6,6-1,6-3 victory over Petra Kvitova of the Czech Republic .

  10. 你的世界已经赛到了即将发生第一次接触的赛点,天堂正在创造奇迹来改变你的生活。

    Your world is racing toward first contact and Heaven is working miracles to wonderfully transform your lives .

  11. 联盟认为海鹰队的接球员戈登·泰特在赛点前犯规。

    The league says Seattle receiver Golden Tate should have been called for offensive pass interference before the game-winning catch .

  12. 当一个球员只需要再得一分就会获得整个比赛的胜利时,他被称为处在赛点。

    A player who only needs one more point to win the match is said to be at match point .

  13. 尤其是在赛点的时候,你能在赛点打出这样一个球肯定让你很满意?

    Surely come match point , it must be particularly an enjoyment to hit a match point like you did today ?

  14. 问:赛点的时候音响系统出了故障,你以前遇到过这种情况么?

    Q. Did you ever have anything like that happen to you on match point , the sound system going off ?

  15. 那么安迪,我知道昨晚有一个冠军赛点,那晚你还有足够的精力去狂欢吗?

    And Andy , I know there was a champion 's ball last night , did you have enough energy to dance the night away ?

  16. 此后,费德勒网前截击挽回了一个赛点。但伯蒂奇最终凭借一记正手球终结了比赛,职业生涯中第三次战胜瑞士人费德勒。

    He saved one match point with a volley at the net but Berdych finally completed his third career victory over the Swiss with a forehand winner .

  17. 在俄克拉何马城雷霆队2016年的季后赛征程中,威斯布鲁克在每一场雷霆队手握赛点的比赛中都会身着黑色的葬礼服,除了(真的吗?)与勇士队的抢七大战。

    During OKC 's 2016 playoff run , Westbrook wore funereal black to every closeout game . Except ( tellingly ? ) Game 7 against the Warriors .

  18. 李娜在第一局比赛中不敌对手,而进入第二局赛点时,则进入佳境,挽回失分,并最终赢得第二局比赛。

    In the second set , she lost the first set . Match point in the second set , came back and save that , then won that second set .

  19. 这座桥保护要赛点而设计,这要追溯到内战前,金门桥在1933年(开始建设)就被认为值得保留给后代。

    The bridge was designed to avoid the demolition of Fort Point , which dates from before the Civil War and was deemed , even in 1933 ( when construction began ) , to be worth preserving for posterity .

  20. 李娜作为第一位获得世界排名前20位的中国选手直落六局获得了第二盘的胜利。在第十局的比赛中双方在打到5-5平的情况下出现了两次赛点。

    Li , who is the first Chinese to be ranked in the top20 in the world , won six straight games to finish off the second set , fighting off two set points in the tenth game to level the set at5-5 .

  21. 一记不规则的正手击球让费德勒错失首个赛点,但他随之而来的一记中路发球得分结束了这场比赛。这位欢呼雀跃的瑞士人此刻正眼含热泪,望向看台上的团队和家人,他的妻子米尔卡和四个孩子都在其中。

    A first championship point disappeared with a wayward forehand , but an ace down the middle followed and it was the celebrating Swiss who was now tearful as he looked to his team and family , including wife Mirka and four children , in the stands .