
  • 网络selena;Selena Gomez;serena;selina;Selene
  1. 另外上榜的有Pink,勒布朗詹姆斯,赛琳娜戈麦斯,伊恩萨默海尔德,Jay-Z和碧昂丝夫妇,本阿弗莱克等明星。

    Pink , LeBron James , Selena Gomez , Ian Somerhalder , Jay-Z and Beyonce , Ben Affleckalso made the list .

  2. 贾斯汀•比伯心中还是有前女友赛琳娜•戈麦斯的。

    Justin Bieber still has ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez on his mind .

  3. 赛琳娜,这是“U”吗不是

    Serena , is that a " U " ? Not a " U. "

  4. 本周赛琳娜取笑了自己即将发布的新单《BacktoYou》,这首歌将会在《第十三个原因》第二季出现。

    This week , Gomez has been teasing the release of her new single , " Back to You , " which will appear on the 13 Reasons Why Season 2 soundtrack .

  5. 周二,品牌彪马的ins上分享了一个由赛琳娜部分出演的视频短片。

    Selena Gomez was seen in a short video clip shared to Puma 's Instagram account on Tuesday .

  6. 本周早些时候,和赛琳娜关系不错的人称,这位演唱《BadLiar》的歌手,还是深深地关心者贾斯汀的一举一动。

    Earlier this week , a source close to the " Bad Liar " singer , " Selena still cares for Justin very deeply .

  7. 在这天的早些时候,赛琳娜还在她的Facebook留言板上表示她身体不大舒服,她说,我今天病得厉害。

    Earlier in the day , Selena wrote on her Facebook wall she wasnt feeling well , saying , Im so so sick today .

  8. 据说,赛琳娜接下来要和亚当·桑德勒(AdamSandler)合作《精灵旅社3》(Transylvania3)。

    She can next be heard in Transylvania 3 with Adam Sandler .

  9. 听起来好像泰勒注意到了最近RyanSeacrest对赛琳娜的采访。

    It sounds like Tay caught wind of Selena 's recent interview with Ryan Seacrest .

  10. 今年25岁的赛琳娜刚发布新歌《Wolves》,霉霉的专辑《reputation》也创下佳绩,周三霉霉迎来28岁生日,赛琳娜发布了一段视频,视频中两人嘻嘻哈哈装疯卖傻。

    The " Wolves " singer , 25 , celebrated the reputation hitmaker 's 28th birthday on Wednesday with a short video of the pair giggling and goofing off together .

  11. 欢迎来到霉霉《Reputation》世界巡回演唱会赛琳娜专场,这也是自2015年来,赛琳娜首次和好友霉霉在加州帕萨迪纳进行演出,霉霉已经是第二次在帕萨迪纳开演唱会了。

    Please welcome to the Taylor Swift Reputation World Tour stage Selena Gomez , who for the first time since 2015 , performed with her good friend Swift during Swift 's second show in Pasadena , California .

  12. 赛琳娜告诉媒体KISSFMUK,霉霉是她事业的支持者,在她肾移植康复期间也帮了很多忙。

    On her close bond with Swift , Gomez told KISS FM UK that the " Look What You Made Me Do " singer has been supportive of her career and kidney transplant recovery .

  13. 正当我们以为赛琳娜·戈麦斯和海莉·鲍德温的恩怨要平息的时候,赛琳娜新歌《LoseYoutoLoveMe》和《LookatHerNow》的发布又引起了新的风波。

    Welp , just when we thought the Selena Gomez and Hailey Baldwin feud was dying down , another mini drama brewed up amid the release of Selena 's recent songs , " Lose You to Love Me " and " Look at Her Now . "

  14. 现年28岁的霉霉,目前还在新泽西州,做最后一场巡回演唱会Reputation,她没有办法去庆生派对,所以她自己做了一个赛琳娜主题的蛋糕,然后一个人吃了。

    Twenty-eight-year-old Taylor , who 's currently in New Jersey for the final leg of her epic Reputation tour , couldn 't make it to the party , so instead she made herself a Selena-themed birthday cake to eat alone in solidarity .

  15. 《TMZ》还报告说,赛琳娜想离开医院,当她被告知出院未获批准时,她“情绪崩溃”了。

    TMZ also reports that Selena wanted to leave the hospital , and experienced an " emotional breakdown " when she was told she wasn 't allowed to .

  16. 她在ins上分享了照片,这是一个粉色的生日蛋糕上面写着“戈麦斯回家(Gomezhergohome),大大地写着一个26,配文是暗指赛琳娜《Handstomyself》中的一句歌词。

    Sharing the picture on her Instagram story , Taylor revealed the pink birthday cake iced with the words " Gomez her go home , " with a giant " 26 , " and a caption that referenced Selena 's " Hands To Myself " lyrics .

  17. 来自TMZ的匿名爆料,今年五月在芝加哥威肯巡回演唱会上赛琳娜肾功能衰竭。

    TMZ , citing unnamed sources , reports that this past May , Selena went into kidney failure while she was in Chicago for The Weeknd 's concert tour .

  18. 推特用户NickSanitsky上传了这对情侣不同寻常的交通方式,然后写到:“比伯和赛琳娜在奥克斯玩玩代步车,她人很好,所以他冲我嚷嚷。”

    Twitter user Nick Sanitsky posted a picture of the pair on the unusual mode of transport and wrote : ' Bieber and Selena segwaying in the Oaks . She was so nice , so he yelled at us ( sic ) ' .

  19. 赛琳娜在Ryan的之声节目中暗示自己多次因为贾斯汀而心碎,因为他们闹矛盾时他经常去找别的女孩。

    During Selena 's appearance on Ryan 's radio show , she hinted that she experienced heartbreak at the hands of Justin more than a few times because he 'd often run to other girls as soon as their relationship got rocky .

  20. 2008年赛琳娜和霉霉相识,当时两人的男友都来自乔纳斯家族,赛琳娜(当时的名气和在迪士尼频道比肩)和尼克·乔纳斯(NickJonas)在一起,霉霉的男友是乔伊·乔纳斯(JoeJonas)。

    Gomez and the country-turned-pop star first met in 2008 when they were each dating a Jonas brother . Selena ( at the height of her Disney Channel fame ) was dating Nick Jonas around the same time Taylor was seeing Joe Jonas .

  21. 紧接着似乎是要给这些传闻添一些佐证,贾斯汀·比伯在Instagram放上了他和赛琳娜在一起的黑白照,显然他和享受和前女友赛琳娜·戈麦斯的亲密时光。

    Taking to his Instagram account the following day , Justin Bieber gave credence to those whispers by posting a black and white shot in which he appears to be enjoying another , more intimate moment with former girlfriend Selena Gomez .

  22. 就在泰勒恋情曝光几周前,赛琳娜(SelenaGomez)在某节目采访中表示对“某人”挺满意,暗示泰勒与“某人”相处很好。

    News of the pair 's relationship comes weeks after Taylor 's BFF , Selena Gomez , seemed to give her seal of approval on Joe , suggesting T-Swizzle is happy with ' new people ' during an interview .

  23. 泰勒在这首歌发行之后公开向赛琳娜表示祝贺,她在InstagramStory上写道:“这首歌是治愈的完美表达,也是她的歌里我最喜欢的。你成功了,我太爱你了@selenagomez”。

    After the song came out , Taylor publicly congratulated Selena . " This song is a perfect expression of healing and my absolute favorite song she 's put out yet , " Taylor wrote on her Instagram Story . " A triumph . I love you so much @ selenagomez . "

  24. 赛琳娜:你得把这情况跟莎莉明明白白讲清楚。

    Selena : You 'll have to tell that to Sally .

  25. 显然,这些天比伯的注意力全放在赛琳娜身上了。

    Apparently , these days , Bieber only has eyes for Gomez .

  26. 长久以来赛琳娜就饱受红斑狼疮的困扰。

    Selena has long been open about suffering from lupus .

  27. 我叫斯蒂芬妮,这位是我的表姐赛琳娜

    My name is Stephanie , and this is my cousin Serena ,

  28. 比伯&赛琳娜爱情触礁?

    Love On The Rocks For Justin And Selena ?

  29. 当天赛琳娜看上去也比之前要沉着镇定,气场强了很多。

    The star looked poised and more on point that she has before .

  30. 从2010年贾斯汀与赛琳娜第一次约会到2014年,他们两人一直分分合合。

    Justin and Selena first dated off and on from 2010 to 2014 .