
  • 网络no offence to
  1. 我要搬出去了&请你们不要见怪,我只不过是不喜欢这里的空气而已。

    I 'm moving out & no offence to you but I just don 't like the atmosphere .

  2. 然而,任何人都不要见怪,英语的一切都充满了难度和不规则。

    However , meaning no offence to anyone , everything about it is full of difficulties and irregularities .

  3. n.[法]被告人adj.[法]被告的;辩护的n.犯罪,违反;冒犯,触怒;攻击违反触怒,得罪没有冒犯你的意思!不要见怪!

    an offence against give / cause offence to No offence ( meant ) !

  4. 我的话请你不要见怪。

    You should not take my words amiss .

  5. 他请求她原谅,不要见怪。

    He begged pardon for having displeased her .

  6. 我希望你不要见怪,这些东西太油腻了,我吃不了。

    I hope you won 't be offended ; they are too rich for me .

  7. 亲爱的,请你不要见怪,我实在太累。

    If you don 't mind , dear , I 'm afraid I 'm rather tired .

  8. 他这么说是出于好意,请不要见怪。

    He said so out of kindness , so I hope you will not take it amiss .

  9. 要是我讲的是我自己的事,看在咱们老朋友份上,求你不要见怪。

    You will excuse it for the sake of old companionship , should I now talk about myself .

  10. 假如我冒昧地对你的文章提出几点批评,希望你不要见怪。

    I hope you will not take it amiss that I venture to make a few criticisms of your article .

  11. 他盼望我不要见怪,如果他命令几个主管官吏来搜查我。

    He desired I would not take it ill , if he gave orders to certain proper officers to search me .

  12. 先生不要见怪,一康塞尔回答,住在这里跟寄生蟹住在海螺壳中一样舒服。

    With all due respect to master , Conseil replied , as comfortable as a hermit crab inside the shell of a whelk .

  13. 如果我叫你不要抽烟,希望你不要见怪。

    I hope you won 't take offence if I ask you not to smoke .