
  1. 是不是集冒险,爱情,恐怖这些元素于一体,还是别的什么?

    Is it an adventure , romance , horror story - what ?

  2. 破坏首先产生于粗集料本身而不是集料-水泥石界面。

    So the fracture for the former will go through the coarse aggregate granulas , and not along the interfaces of the aggregate-cement matrix first .

  3. 类似于SQL的语言要求返回列集(元组),与SQL相同,但是对象数据库不会以这种方式工作&它希望返回对象,而不是随机集。

    A language so similar to SQL would seem to want to return column sets ( tuples ), like SQL does , but an object database doesn 't work that way & it wants to return objects , not arbitrary sets .

  4. 事实上,Netflix的首席内容执行官泰德·萨伦多斯(TedSarandos)说,他把一部剧的第一季,而不是第一集,当做所谓“试播”。所以,剧集刚一上映的时候,不是马上抓住你,而是把你吸进来。

    In fact , Netflix 's chief content officer , Ted Sarandos , has said he considers the first season of a series , not the first episode , to be the " pilot . " So its premieres tend not to grab you so much as let you sink in .

  5. “1”不是程序集,因此无法引用它。

    ' | 1'cannot be referenced because it is not an assembly .

  6. 或者他是不是需要集齐三个宝箱来获得某种超能力?

    He needs to collect three boxes to achieve power ?

  7. 我看过,但不是每集都看。

    B : I ' 've seen it , but I don 't follow it .

  8. 此媒体不是备份集'%1'的第一个媒体。是否继续?

    This media is not the first media of the backup set ' % 1 ' . Do you want to continue ?

  9. 结果发现即刻可释放小泡并不是簇集于突触前膜而是随机分散于小泡群中。

    The readily releasable vesicles were not clustered close to the presynaptic membrane but instead were dispersed almost randomly throughout the vesicle cluster .

  10. 用例描述的是对参与者来说有价值的一系列行动,而不是特性集。

    A use case describes a series of actions that provide value to an actor ; it doesn 't describe a collection of features .

  11. 毕竟豪斯花了六年时间才走到现在的状态,所以我们这季要展现给(观众的)的可不是三两集就能完全展现的。

    It 's taken six years to get there , so this is not a story that 's going to be done in three episodes .

  12. 在模糊拓扑空间中,有些集合本身并不是闭集,但在某些层次上它却表现出闭集的特性,这就是所谓的层次闭集。

    In fuzzy topological space , some sets are not closed sets , but they display some characteristics of clsed sets on some stratiform , if is so-called stratiform closed set .

  13. 我们拍电视剧不是按集算成本的,但是这些电视剧的成本与同领域的其他电视剧的成本基本持平。

    We don 't go into the budget per episode , but the cost of the series is the same as the cost of a series at any one of these places .

  14. 从技术上说,在Linux中,fE不是一个集,而是一个布尔值。

    Technically , in Linux fE is not a set but a boolean .

  15. 这可能会导致您的SOA产品成为问题集的一部分,而不是解决方案集的一部分&增加其他问题的话,就会需要新的解决方案。

    This can lead to your SOA product becoming part of the problem set rather than part of the solution set & adding yet another issue for which you need a solution .

  16. 以Sierpinski垫为例,进一步研究了不是Whitney临界集的分形集可以包含Whitney临界集的问题。

    Taking the Sierpinski gasket as an example , the paper studied the problem of Fractal set that is not Whitney ′ s critical set could contain Whitney ′ s critical set .

  17. 证明了在一维Heisenberg群H1上C-C球不是等周集;同时在A类集中有等周集的假设前提下,给出了Heisenberg群H1上等周不等式的最佳常数。

    In this paper , we prove that the C-C balls are not isoperimetric sets on the one-dimensional Heisenberg group H ~ 1.Under the hypothesis that there were isoperimetric sets in the class A , we obtain the best constant in the isoperimetric inequality .

  18. 但写作或出版并不是创造作品集的唯一方法。

    But writing or publishing isnt the only way to create this portfolio .

  19. 他们指出当线性秩距离码的生成多项式的根集不是连续根集时,确定秩距离码的最小秩距离以及构做极大秩距离码是未解决的问题。

    The problems of the minimum rank distance of the linear rank distance codes and the conformation of the maximum rank distance codes are not solved when the set of the roots of the generator polynomial is not continuous roots set .

  20. E不是一个独立集,并且任何子集X(?)C都是一个独立集,则称C为M的一个圈。

    E is not an independent set and any X (?)

  21. 这些结果集并不是BIRT的数据集,但却包含了数据容器中绑定的列,而该数据容器中的数据则来自于一个数据集。

    These result sets are not BIRT data sets , but contain the bound columns from the data container , which are usually retrieved from a data set .

  22. 平面中大多数多边形不是自相似分形集

    Most of the polygons in r ~ 2 aren 't self-similar sets

  23. 表达式不是一个节点集。

    The expression is not a node-set .

  24. 英语不是多字节字符集,因此不能包含部分字符。

    English is not a multi-byte character set , so it cannot contain partial characters .

  25. 这将打印结果集中的每条记录,而不是显示一个子集。

    This would print every record in the result set , rather than displaying a subset .

  26. 无法用不是来自多维数据集事实数据表的列创建度量值。

    Unable to create a measure from a column that does not originate in the cube 's fact table .

  27. 无法将文件%1生成到全局程序集缓存中;该文件不是强名称程序集。

    Unable to build file ' % 1 ' into the Global Assembly Cache ; the file is not a strongly-named assembly .

  28. 未能确定%1是不是多文件程序集。程序集清单可能已损坏。假定为非多文件程序集。

    Could not determine whether ' % 1 ' is a multifile assembly . The assembly manifest may be corrupt . Assuming a non-multifile assembly .

  29. 通过只获取该组件所需的记录而不是发送整个数据集,可以降低与其他组件通信的系统开销。

    Instead of sending the entire dataset , you can reduce the overhead of communicating with the other component by getting only the records that the component needs .

  30. 当我说字符串时,我并不是指这些字符集,而是指地址,就是这些字符集在存储器中的位置。

    It turns out when we call string a string , we 're really referring not to those characters but to the address , the location and memory of those characters .