
bù rì
  • soon;in a few days;within the next few days
不日 [bù rì]
  • [within the next few days;in a few days] 不几天;不久(限用于未来)

  • 我不日到京,请准备住处

不日[bù rì]
  1. 那艘海军舰艇不日即可抵港。

    The naval vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days .

  2. 那艘货船不日即可抵港。

    The cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days .

  3. 我姐姐的孩子不日就要出生了。

    My sister 's baby is expected any day now .

  4. 宋国的大夫也答应带他晋见宋国国君,并允诺说富贵不日即至。

    And the minister of the state of Song promised to take him to see the king of the state of Song and promised him that he would get wealth and rank soon .

  5. 我方订货确认书不日将寄达你处。

    Our purchase confirmation will be sent to you very soon .

  6. 这不仅是进度和水平的差异,这是个问题,我的记忆力已经不日以前了。

    It is not just the pace and level that is a problem .

  7. 如果他一直努力工作,不日即可成为一名高级官员。

    If he keeps working hard , soon he will become a top-rank officer .

  8. 我们肯定不日即将见面。

    We shall surely see each other soon ;

  9. 这场不日举行的拳击赛所以引起特别浓厚的兴趣,倒也确有很充足的理由。

    There was abundant reason for the extraordinary interest which this coming fight was creating .

  10. 这些人被划归到一个专家组,不日将开始他们的审查工作。

    The experts are being sorted into specialist teams and will soon start scrutinising applications .

  11. 据观察,不少公园的桂花现在也已经结出花蕾,不日也将开放。

    According to observations , many sweet-scented osmanthus now have buds and will bloom soon .

  12. 一个早已束之高阁的计划不日将付诸实施。

    The scheme already " on the shelf " was to be achieved within days .

  13. 现正联络其他厂商,研究是否能以合理价格达成要求。不日将有答复。

    They may be able to give you the quality you desire at a fair price .

  14. 目前我方正在赶印新的商品目录,将另函附邮,不日即可收到。

    We now work on a new catalog , which you will shortly receive by separate mail .

  15. 我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,不日内将给予明确答复。

    We find your offer very interesting and shall give you a definite reply in a few day .

  16. 目前,英国馆的建设只剩人工草皮的铺设,不日即可全部完工。

    The British pavilion would be completed at the end of this month after artificial turf was laid .

  17. 欺诈又不可靠的无赖。那艘货船不日即可抵港。

    A deceitful and unreliable scoundrel . The cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days .

  18. 王莉和张志福被依法逮捕,目前此案已经移交南岗区中级人民法院,不日将开庭审理。

    Now this case has been handed over to Nangang Intermediate People 's Court and will be in trial soon .

  19. 负责该案的法官不日便会做出判决,但这一案件可能会像SupapKirtsaeng案一样,一路打到联邦最高法院去。

    A judge should rule on the case soon , but it may well be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court .

  20. 总统纳波利塔诺称,不日内意大利将会推出新的金融稳定法。总理贝卢斯科尼将也将会实现承诺主动请辞。

    The president said Italy would pass a new financial stability law within days and the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi would then fulfil his promise to resign .

  21. 或许,乐观的一面是世界银行目前尚未贷款给希腊或者其他不日即可能爆发危机的国家或地区。

    Perhaps the bright side is that the World Bank isn 't making any loans to Greece or any other place that looks certain to blow up soon .

  22. 春化天数对大白菜、小白菜现蕾和开花的影响据观察,不少公园的桂花现在也已经结出花蕾,不日也将开放。

    Study of Veneration-day Influence on Bolting and Flowering of Heading Chinese Cabbage and Non-heading Chinese Cabbage According to observations , many sweet-scented osmanthus now have buds and will bloom soon .

  23. 这个月的下旬,克里斯蒂安•卡里尔,现位于华盛顿的资深驻外记者,不日将发表他的新书《奇怪的反叛:1979年和21世纪的诞生》。

    Later this month Christian Caryl , a veteran foreign correspondent now based in Washington , will publish a timely new book , Strange Rebels : 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century .

  24. 他说,贾勒特及其团队静静地听着,但“并未透露太多东西”——也未透露一项关乎跨性别权利的总统令数月前便在筹划之中,不日即将颁布的事实。

    Ms. Jarrett and her team , he said , listened politely , but " did not reveal much , " including the fact that a legal directive on transgender rights that had been in the works for months was about to be released .