
  1. 我不禁对自己将要放弃的津贴感到有点儿不舍。

    I can 't help feeling slightly wistful about the perks I 'm giving up

  2. 在鹿茸表皮层的组织中亦同时含有大量的EGF受体,而骨轴组织不舍有EGF,只含少量受体。

    EGF receptor was also detected in the velvet tissues ; but the antler shaft contained no EGF and few EGF receptors .

  3. HA蛋白裂解位点的氨基酸组成为RSSR↓GLF,不舍连续的碱性氨基酸,具有低致病性AⅣHA基因裂解位点的序列特征。

    The deduced amino acid sequence at the cleavage site of the HA protein was RSSR ↓ GLF , it was match to the characteristic of low virulent strain .

  4. 实验结果表明,当酶标二抗工作液中不舍NaN3时,含0.02%NaN3的ODP底物工作液能将其中的HRP全部失活;

    The results show that when the enzyme labeled second antibody working Solution is free of NaN_3 , the OPD substrate working solution containing 0.02 % NaN_3 can inactivate all of HRP in the assay ;

  5. 关于Jodi的离队&参与「拥抱丝路」项目的每一份子,对这位坚毅的团员提早离开都非常的不舍。

    A word on Jodi 's departure-everyone involved in the project was very sad to see such a committed team-member leave so early .

  6. 实验结果表明,在653K、12gRaney-Ni和1.5mL十氢萘条件下,十氢萘脱氢反应转化率最高,生成氢气的纯度达到99%,不舍任何小分子杂质气体。

    The results showed that under the reaction conditions of 653 K , 1 . 5 mL decalin and 5 g Raney-Ni , the dehydrogenation conversion of decalin was the highest , the purity of the evolved hydrogen was 99 % without any impurity component .

  7. 我愿作他,最钟爱的问候,和最不舍的告别。

    I want to be his favorite hello and hardest goodbye .

  8. 离别,离别,离别,不舍,不舍,不舍的心情;

    In the mood of parting and being reluctant to leave ;

  9. 无声的是你的不舍。还有你苍白的侧脸。

    Silent were your unwilling abandon and your pale side face .

  10. 分享著初相遇时羞涩的甜蜜,再见时不舍的泪花

    Shy sweetness of meeting , the same distressful tears of farewell

  11. 融入绿色,是我们不舍的追求。

    Integrates the green , is our not shed pursue .

  12. 我要成为你最心动的相遇,最不舍的离别。

    I want to be your favorite encounter and your hardest goodbye .

  13. 我总是会在离别的时刻感到不舍。

    I always feel weepy when time comes for leaving .

  14. 没有什么不舍,没有那么多废话。

    There is no sadness , not so much nonsense .

  15. 即使有几千几万个不舍,但只能这样做。

    Even with thousands of a shed , but only to do so .

  16. 他们之所以成功,乃在于他们楔而不舍。

    They win because they refuse to give up .

  17. 爱尔兰倒是不舍但那份工作不然

    Ireland , yes , but not the job .

  18. 真的,人非常需要这种楔而不舍的精神。

    Indeed , a much needed one and give up the spirit of wedge .

  19. 对于毕业,我既激动又不舍。

    I 'm excited and reluctant to graduate .

  20. 虽有万千不舍,请你好好生活,因为我的爱,从来就不曾离开。

    If I leave , please live your life better because of my love .

  21. 心中总是有些不舍。

    This something always hold me back .

  22. 不舍小利,难获厚利。

    If small sum does not go out , large sum will not come in .

  23. 因为如果你太依恋,你会感到不舍。

    Because if you get too attached , you 're just setting yourself up for loss .

  24. 对于任何一个大使来说,告别总是不舍的。

    I think leaving is probably the most painful part for any ambassador on the post .

  25. 最不舍的还是我亲爱的妈妈和我超级无敌要好的三姨

    Who I miss the most are the people who really love me * mum and sar yee

  26. 当我还是个孩子的时候,南方仍然对其历史紧抓不舍。

    When I was a kid , the South was still coming to grips with its history .

  27. 心中再有不舍,不忍心和过去的甜蜜说再见,也于事无补了。

    Reluctant to say goodbye to the past sweet as we are , our efforts are unavailing .

  28. 过去我只关注一件事,那就是昼夜不舍地打造一家伟大的软件公司。

    I focused on one thing , which was building a great software company , night and day .

  29. 乍一看,他并不是那种令女性眷恋不舍的男子。

    At first sight he was not the kind of a man a woman would look at twice .

  30. 周三的明星嘉宾罗莎里奥·唐森表示不舍雷诺的离开。

    Wednesday 's celebrity guest Rosario Dawson said after the show that she 'll be sad to see Leno go .