
  • Forward;walk along;go ahead
  1. 都都:向前走然后在第一个路口右转。

    Dudu : go ahead and turn right at the first crossing .

  2. 向前走,你就会看到塔在你的前面。

    Go ahead and you will see the tower in front of you .

  3. 他把一枚硬币塞进她手里,然后继续向前走。

    He pressed a coin into her hand and moved on .

  4. 她迈着轻快的步伐向前走去。

    She walked along with a spring in her step .

  5. 她停了一会儿,然后又向前走。

    She stopped for a moment , then walked on .

  6. 我独自唱着歌向前走着。

    I was just walking along singing to myself .

  7. 她看着牛迟缓地向前走着。

    She watched the cow 's ponderous progress .

  8. 一直向前走到海滩。

    Keep straight on for the beach .

  9. 一直向前走两英里。

    Keep straight on for two miles .

  10. 她向前走了两步。

    She took two paces forward .

  11. 他向前走了两步。

    He took two steps forward .

  12. 她撑开伞,沿着河街向前走。

    She opens her umbrella , and walks up River Street

  13. 一时间,她被人群推搡着向前走。

    Suddenly , she was swept along by the crowd .

  14. 随后,他又向前走了一小步。

    Then he took another small step forward .

  15. 他在暗处向前走,希望没有人能认出他来。

    He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him .

  16. 我定了定神,不慌不忙地向前走去。

    I composed myself , then walked on unhurriedly .

  17. 下雨了,那个小女孩扶着她的祖母艰难地向前走着。

    It raining , the little girl helped her grandmother along difficultly .

  18. 他们默默无语地向前走了一段路。

    They walked on a little way without speaking .

  19. 又向前走了五英里,他看见了机场。

    Five miles on he saw the airfield .

  20. 如果再继续向前走一小时,我们就到那个村子了。

    If we keep on our way for another hour we should reach the village .

  21. 老马慢吞吞地向前走着。

    The old horse jogged along .

  22. 随后哭声消失了,鬼魂也走开了,马又继续向前走。

    Then the wailing6 and the touch of the ghosts would pass on and his horse would move again .

  23. 这部电影的情节如糖似蜜,女主角性格被动,只会傻笑,完全无视过去几十年来社会(包括迪士尼动画在内)已经向前走了很远。

    With its treacly plot and its simpering , passive heroine , it refused to acknowledge that society – and , for that matter , Disney cartoons – had moved on in the intervening decades .

  24. 我们在一条伟大的航路上,我们需要有人为我们鼓劲,也许我们偶尔累倒想放弃,可是当我们想到身边还有个让我们挂念的一个人,深吸一口气,继续向前走,我相信,总有一个能够停靠的彼岸。

    We are on a great journey . We need someone to be there for us when we are tired and want to give up . Whenever we realize that there is someone we miss so much deep inside , take a deep breath and carry on for I believe there is always a shelter for my soul .

  25. 记住一些简单又清晰的指路用语:Gostraightahead/一直向前走:GodownWangfujing/沿王府井走。

    Remember simple , clear instructions : Go straight ahead / Go straight ahead : Go down Wangfujing / Go down Wangfujing .

  26. 它是一种人工智能形式,只需要再向前走几步,就是一款能通过图灵测试(Turingtest,一个关于机器人是否具有人类智能的著名判断原则&译注)的程序了。

    It 's a form of AI that takes a few more steps closer to an app that could pass the Turing test .

  27. 当Algernon向左转时,它先向前走一点儿,让它的背部超过左边通道的墙。

    When Algernon turns left , he first goes forward a bit so that his back is clear of the wall ending to his left .

  28. 市场始建于1917年,经过重建,吸引了许多深受欢迎的店家(如G&B咖啡),BelcampoMeatCo.公司也即将入驻。沿街向前走就是Alma餐厅,《好胃口》(BonAppétit)杂志曾将它评为全国最好的新餐馆。

    Originally built in 1917 , the market has been redone in the past year , attracting popular purveyors like G & B Coffee and , soon , Belcampo Meat Co. Just down the street is Alma , which was named the best new restaurant in the country by Bon App é tit magazine .

  29. 沿着主街一直向前走到咖啡店。

    Then go straight on Main Street to the coffee shop .

  30. 过了马路一直往北向前走。

    After that , keep going straight ahead to the north .