
xiànɡ rónɡ
  • Xiang Rong;on the road to prosperity;making progress
向荣 [xiàng róng]
  • [flower;thrive;prosperous;grow luxuriantly] 滋长茂盛

  • 木欣欣以向荣。--晋. 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》

  1. 木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流。

    Trees are thriving and vigorous , while springs flow murmuring and look marvelous .

  2. 在世界经济体系中,在亚洲和中东地区涌现出的市场还在兴兴向荣,但是分析家们对这些地区未来经济的增长并不抱乐观的态度。

    The economies of emerging markets in Asia and the Middle East are still chugging along , but analysts are cutting growth forecasts for them too .

  3. 但8:9四角之中、有一角长出一个小角、向南、向东、向荣美之地、渐渐成为强大。

    Out of one of them came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south , toward the east , and toward the Beautiful Land .

  4. 尽管引起媒体关注的往往是中国最大的硬件品牌和兴兴向荣的互联网公司,但该国也有大量支持电子产品供应链的公司。

    While China 's largest hardware brands and booming Internet companies tend to attract media attention , the country also has huge numbers of companies that support the electronics supply chain .

  5. 这些作品从美丽时代还延伸到所谓的“疯狂年代”(1919-1929),即两次世界大战之间法国兴兴向荣的战后恢复阶段。

    It travels from La Belle Epoque to the period called " Les ann é es folles "( 1919-1929 ), the joyful period of restoration in between the two World Wars in France .

  6. 在我国改革开放后,经济逐步呈现出兴兴向荣之面貌的同时,与日俱增的还有我国住房抵押贷款的市场规模和商业银行所面临的住房抵押贷款的压力。

    After Chinese reform and opening-up , the economy gradually showing a thriving face , at the same time , grow with each passing day and the Chinese housing mortgage loan market and commercial banks in the housing mortgage loan pressure .