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  1. 第一章讨论悲观主义形成的原因和表现,此为社会向善论思想的前奏。

    Chapter 1 discusses the causes and representation of pessimism , which is the prelude to meliorism .

  2. 现代自由主义具有四个最为普遍的特征:个人主义、平等主义、普世主义和社会向善论。

    The modern liberalism has four most universal characteristics : The individualism , the egalitarianism , the Universalism and the society do good deeds discusses .

  3. 对于工业文明所带来的种种异化,哈代开出了自己的拯救药方:进化向善论,即相信社会并非不可救药,相反地人类可以通过自身的努力加以改变。

    As to the alienation brought about by the industrial civilization , Hardy puts forward his proposal to heal the alienated world , that is , evolutionary meliorism .