
  • 网络vector processor
  1. 向量处理器系统的性能很高,在20世纪80年代到90年代早期一度在HPC体系架构中占有统治地位,但是最近几年以来,集群变得更加流行了。

    Vector processor systems deliver high performance and were the dominant HPC architecture in the1980s and early1990s , but clusters have become far more popular in recent years .

  2. 但是,SPU的主要用处并不是进行128位值的操作,它是一个向量处理器。

    However , the point of the SPU is not to do operations on128-bit values . Instead , the processor is a vector processor .

  3. 顾名思义,在向量处理器中,CPU被优化以便很好地处理向量数组的运算。

    In vector processors , the CPU is optimized to perform well with arrays or vectors ; hence the name .

  4. 32位图像向量处理器关键技术研究与设计

    Research and Design of the Key Technologies of a 32-bit Image Vector Processor

  5. 集群都是使用常见的硬件进行构建的,其成本只是向量处理器的很小一部分。

    Clusters are built using commodity hardware and cost a fraction of the vector processors .

  6. 在向量处理器上,寄存器可以作为一个单元进行处理,也可以作为多个单元进行处理。

    On vector processors a register is treated both as a single unit and as multiple units .

  7. 本文建议的并行算法可以分别用向量处理器和专用硬件来实现;

    The proposed parallel algorithm can be efficiently implemented by using pipelined vector processors or special-purpose hardware .

  8. 在基于集群的计算技术出现之前,典型的超级计算机都是向量处理器,由于它们全部采用专用的硬件和软件,因此成本通常会超过一百万美元。

    Before cluster-based computing , the typical supercomputer was a vector processor that could typically cost over a million dollars due to the specialized hardware and software .

  9. 对角线信号处理法是本文所述方法的一个重要的特例,故对对角线采样数据的频谱进行了研究。本文建议的并行算法可以分别用向量处理器和专用硬件来实现;

    The method of diagonal processing is an important special case of the proposed method and the properties of the frequency spectrum of diagonal-sampled data are examined .

  10. 相对于当前超标量和超长指令字处理器的局限性而言,向量处理器从开发数据级并行方面提供更高的性能。

    The super-scalar processor and the VLIW processor have some performance limitation , while compared with them vector processor can exploit data-level parallelism in application and develop higher performance .

  11. SPE是一个只有向量的处理器。

    The SPE is a vector-only processor .

  12. 在以上关键技术研究的基础上,本文还研究了VIM体系结构下向量协处理器的实现技术,包括标量指令集的扩展方式,多端口寄存器文件的实现,向量执行单元的流水线设计等。

    This thesis also focused on implementation technology of vector microprocessor based on VIM architecture , including KD-VIM-1 ISA defination , multiported register file and vector execution pipeline etc.

  13. 在对已提出的顺序、分离及乱序执行等体系分析比较的基础上,提出了VIM向量协处理器的体系结构并实现了基于VIM体系结构的向量微处理器KD-VIM-1。

    Based on our study of traditional in-order , decoupled and out-of-order architectures , we proposed the VIM vector processor architecture , which adopts an improved decoupled architecture and distributed register file .

  14. 使用向量信号处理器完成卡尔曼滤波算法的微机距离保护

    Implementation of Kalman filtering algorithms for micro-computer distance protection on a vector signal processor

  15. 通用并行向量密码处理器研究

    The Research of General Parallel Vector Crypto Coprocessor

  16. 应用标量处理器设计中成功使用的算法来管理向量协处理器的运行;

    Use the algorithm which is successfully applied in the design of scalar processor to manage the running of the vector co-processor ;

  17. 向量浮点协处理器VFP-A的设计和验证

    Design and Verification of Vector Floating Point Coprocessor VFP-A

  18. 课题在研究PIM技术与向量处理技术的基础上,对VIM体系结构进行了研究,验证实现了存储器内置向量处理器&KD-VIM-1。

    Based on the study of PIM and vector processing technology , we have studied the VIM architecture and implemented vector processor in memory , KD-VIM-1 . This thesis focus on the key technologies of embedded memory system of VIM architecture .