
  • 网络Deployment;software deployment
  1. SystemCenterEssentials更新管理和软件部署组件

    System Center Essentials update management and software deployment components

  2. 我们已经花了大量的时间为软件部署而编写Ant脚本。

    We had invested a lot of time in writing Ant scripts for software deployment .

  3. 一个编辑人员需要创建,删除以及修改SIP应用软件部署描述符的构件

    An editor to create , delete and modify the artifacts of the SIP application deployment descriptor

  4. 其次采用UML对软件部署与管理系统的需求进行了分析,并对系统的各个用例进行了详细的说明。

    Second , it analysises the requirement of software deployment and management system with UML , and illustrates each use case in detail .

  5. 他擅长于模型驱动的开发,以及扩展RationalSoftwareArchitect建模平台,并一直作为RationalServices组织成员为客户提供大量软件部署。

    He specializes in model-driven development and extending the Rational Software Architect modeling platform and has been involved in numerous software deployments for customers as part of the Rational Services organization .

  6. Watchit工具是更好地测试、调试和监控软件部署的一种框架。

    The Watchit tool is a framework to better test , debug , and monitor your software deployments .

  7. 由于PPM涉及组织中所有或大部分团队,因此在软件部署阶段存在相当多的沟通、协作和这是常有的事折中。

    Since PPM involves all or most teams in the organization , there will be considerable communication , collaboration , and as is often the case compromise during the deployment of this software .

  8. 然后依据系统的需求分析,软件部署与管理系统基于CORBA中间件技术划分为四个模块,分别是服务器的集成界面层和服务代理层,以及客户端的应用支撑层和基础服务层。

    Then , depending on system requirements analysis and using CORBA middleware , the software deployment and management system can be divided into four modules , namely are the integrated interface layer , service agent layer , the client application support layer and basic service layer .

  9. 它们的成功来自于巧妙的软件部署,特别是“基于云”的软件,以及(就Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter以及谷歌的YouTube服务而言)组织和整理用户生成的内容。

    They have thrived from the artful deployment of software , in particular the " cloud based " variant , and - for Facebook , LinkedIn , Twitter ( and Google 's YouTube service ) - organising and collating the contributions of their users .

  10. 帮助升级(滚动升级,自动化的软件部署)

    Assisted upgrades ( rolling upgrades , automated software deployment )

  11. 这可能就是消费软件部署的趋势。

    This probably is the consumer software deployment trend .

  12. 软件部署是软件开发过程的重要环节。

    Software deployment is an important aspect during the process of software development .

  13. 在文章最后,我们介绍了软件部署系统的典型应用场景。

    Finally , we give some practical scenes of using the software deployment system .

  14. 验收测试是在软件部署之前的最后的测试。

    The acceptance test is the last test prior to the deployment of software .

  15. 模式:使用一个集中式机器或集群将软件部署到多个目标环境。

    Pattern : Use a centralized machine or cluster to deploy software to multiple target environments .

  16. 让我们从观察新IT资源以及软件部署建模支持开始。

    Let 's start with looking at the new IT resource and software deployment modeling support .

  17. 为所有公开分发的内部开发软件部署用于实施代码签名的内部过程

    Deploy internal procedures for implementing code signing for all in-house developed software that is publicly distributed

  18. 它的目的是能够降低企业软件部署的复杂度和风险。

    The purpose of the system is to reduce the complexity and risk of enterprise software deployment .

  19. 软件部署常常被视为不可避免的麻烦,可以在遇到它时应付一下,以后就不用理会了。

    Software deployment is often treated as a necessary evil that can be cobbled together before going live .

  20. 在本文中,我讨论了8个适用于软件部署自动化的模式。

    In this article , I 've covered eight patterns that can be effective for automating software deployments .

  21. 研究了能够根据不同环境自动调整软件部署过程的软件智能部署问题。

    This paper focused on software intelligent deployment which can adjust the software deployment process according to different environments .

  22. 一旦这个应用软件部署到服务器上,所有这三种问题在运行过程中都将导致一个严重的问题。

    All three issues would lead to a serious problem at runtime once the application is deployed to a server .

  23. 该工具与3个即插即用的插件一起提供,它是管理和支持软件部署的一个重要部分。

    Shipping with three ready-to-use plug-ins , it functions as an important part of managing and supporting a software deployment .

  24. 现场和支持技术工程师可以利用它诊断软件部署完成之后遇到的存储问题。

    And field and support engineers can use it to diagnose memory issues encountered after the software has been deployed .

  25. 这些基础架构已经转移到云环境中了,并且云环境现在能够支持包括业务应用程序在内的软件部署。

    Here the infrastructure has moved to cloud and the cloud now facilitates the deployment of software including business applications .

  26. 个人用户和企业安全实施人员都希望简化IT软件部署的需求,成为直接驱动安全软件供应商提高安全软件的整合度的动力。

    Individual users and Business users want to simplify the IT software deployment , it direct-drive security software vendors improve integration of the security software .

  27. 服务计算作为一种新颖的软件部署、交付以及维护模式,很好的满足了企业之间以及企业与用户之间的交互需求。

    Service computing , as a novel mode for software deployment , dilivery and maintenance , well meets the interaction requirements between enterprises or between enterprises and users .

  28. B/S结构在软件部署和维护方面所带来的优势,成为越来越多的应用软件所选择的体系架构。

    The advantage brought by the software disposing and maintaining in B / S structure makes the B / S structure chosen by more and more application software .

  29. 软件部署是软件生命周期中的重要环节,它不仅影响软件系统运行时的性能,还影响软件运行环境中资源的利用率。

    Software deployment is an important stage of software life cycle . It not only affects the performance of software , but also affects the efficiency of runtime environment .

  30. 当您将该软件部署到不同环境的延续中去时(经过测试,集成测试,性能测试、运行,生产),节省的效果会更加明显。

    When you deploy to a succession of different environments ( unit test , integration test , performance test , staging , production ) these savings can really add up .