
  1. 分析了系统中接入点和各种终端设备的结构和功能,该系统能够完成家庭互联网和家庭控制网的功能,并将家庭互联网与家庭控制网结合成一体。

    Then , the structure and functions of access point and terminal devices are analyzed . The WMIS combine the home network and the home controlling network into a functional unit .

  2. 它可以使一个家庭通过互联网与外界进行信息交流,也可以通过互联网对家中的设备、电器进行过程控制、节能控制、状态检测、智能服务、安全防护等。

    Through Internet , it enables a family to communicate with the outside world and perform many operations on home appliances and electrical appliances , such as , process control , energy-economized control , state detect , intelligent service , safety protect and so on .

  3. 布朗大学医学院睡眠研究员玛丽·卡斯卡顿博士说:"越来越多的孩子睡觉时开着电视,不睡觉的机会增加了,用在家庭作业、互联网和手机上的时间增加了。"。

    " More children are going to bed with TVs on , and there are more opportunities to stay awake , with more homework , the Internet and the phone , " says Dr . Mary Carskadon , a sleep researcher at Brown University Medical School .

  4. 远程医疗是医学和家庭保健在互联网和计算机技术广泛应用下所出现的一门新兴技术,是本世纪生物信息技术的产物。

    Telemedicine as a new technology appear after widely using of internet and computer application technology .

  5. 学校、社会和家庭应当提倡互联网教育和安全使用,采取积极恰当的措施引导和规范其对互联网的使用。

    Families , schools and society should advocate for " the education and safety use of the Internet " .

  6. 由于大多数家庭现在有互联网连接这项服务正在以飞快的速度通过计算机。

    Since most households now have computers with internet connection this service is being adopted at a rapid pace .

  7. 诺瓦称,中国仅有9%的家庭开通了互联网,这正是中国市场拥有巨大增长潜力的例证之一。

    He cites the fact that only 9 per cent of Chinese homes are connected to the internet as an example of the country 's growth potential .

  8. 2015年,发达国家81%的家庭能够接入互联网,而所有发展中国家的互联网接入比例为34%,最不发达国家的接入比例仅为7%。

    In 2015 , 81 per cent of households in the developed world had internet access , the proportion in all developing countries was 34 per cent and the proportion for the least developed countries was a mere 7 per cent .

  9. 全国大部分家庭都接通了互联网。

    A large proportion of the nation 's households are hooked up to the Internet .

  10. 人口学变量(性别、年级和家庭类型)影响互联网使用基本行为。

    It shows that demographic variables ( sex , grade and family types ) have impact on the basic acts of Internet use .

  11. 在基于卫星的互联网系统中,卫星用来实现各种网络的互联,为家庭和商业提供互联网的接入服务。

    In a satellite-based Internet system , satellites are used to interconnect various networks and to provide ubiquitous Internet access to homes and busunesses .

  12. 布朗芬布伦纳的生态系统理论指出微系统坏境中的家庭、同伴和互联网会影响青少年的发展。

    Ecological systems theory put forward by Bronfenbrenner points out that micro-system environment of family , peers and the Internet will affect the development of adolescents .

  13. 家庭信息化网络技术体系研究及产品开发中家庭与互联网的连接需要一个神经中枢即家庭网络中央控制器,或称家庭网关。

    The connections of the home and Internet need a nerve center to be the family network central controller in family 's information-based network technology system research and product development , or called " the home gateway " .