
  • 网络Family Foundation
  1. 健康研究组织凯泽家族基金会(KaiserFamilyFoundation)的VickyRideout撰写了这份报告。

    Vicky Rideout at the Kaiser Family Foundation , a health research group , wrote the report .

  2. 之后,成员人数以及进驻地区的规模都在稳步增加,直至2009年时有了一次飞跃,当时密西西比州以及沃尔顿家族基金会(WaltonFamilyFoundation)为它注入了资金支持。

    The numbers and geographic reach expanded steadily but exploded in 2009 because of an influx of funds from the State of Mississippi and the Walton Family Foundation .

  3. 比如,瓦伦贝里家族基金会掌控着其工业控股公司银瑞达(Investor)23%的资本,却拥有50%的表决权。

    The Wallenberg family foundations , for example , hold 23 per cent of the capital of Investor , their industrial holding company , but 50 per cent of the voting rights .

  4. 在八个男同性恋者中,就有一个艾滋病病毒检测呈阳性,但凯泽家族基金会(KaiserFamilyFoundation)的资料显示,大多数同性恋和双性恋男性说,他们不担心艾滋病毒。

    One in eight gay men is H.I.V. - positive , and yet a majority of gay and bisexual men say they are not concerned about H.I.V. , according to new research from the Kaiser Family Foundation .

  5. 这个工作组是在2002年由比尔·盖茨和美琳达·盖茨基金会以及HenryJ.Kaiser家族基金会召集的。

    The working group was convened in2002 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Henry J.Kaiser Family Foundation .

  6. 在八个男同性恋者中,就有一个艾滋病病毒检测呈阳性,但凯泽家族基金会(KaiserFamilyFoundation)的资料显示,大多数同性恋和双性恋男性说,他们“不担心”艾滋病毒。

    One in eight gay men is H.I.V. - positive , and yet a majority of gay and bisexual men say they are " not concerned " about H.I.V. , according to new research from the Kaiser Family Foundation .

  7. 迈克尔•戴尔自掏腰包买了约1000本《长寿生活简明指南》,分发给戴尔公司的高管们、其资产管理公司MSDCapital及其家族基金会的员工。

    Michael Dell personally purchased about 1,000 copies of the book for executives at Dell , as well as for employees at MSD capital , his wealth management firm , and his family foundation .

  8. 它们的实力和雄心是对社会有益的,尽管福特基金会是避税的产物(为了逃避遗产税,亨利福特(HenryFord)和埃兹尔福特(EdselFord)把他们的大部分股权遗赠给了家族基金会)。

    Their power and ambition is salutary , even if the Ford Foundation was the outcome of tax avoidance ( Henry and Edsel Ford bequeathed most of their stock to the family foundation in response to an estate tax ) .

  9. 铀壹公司的董事长用其家族基金会的名义做了四笔总额为235万美元(当时约合1533万元人民币)的捐款。

    Uranium One 's chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $ 2.35 million .

  10. 检察官们表示,这笔资金没有用作向贫困孩子发放奖学金,而是转移给了苏哈托的其它家族基金会和企业。

    Prosecutors say that rather than going to scholarships , the money was diverted to other family foundations and companies .

  11. 她们被指定负责家族基金,我们告诉她们应该考虑哪些领域,以及在评估建议时应该提出哪些问题。

    They have been put in charge of their family foundation and we walked them through the sorts of areas they should consider and the questions they should ask on evaluating proposals .

  12. 琴奎茨是代表他的家族基金出售这些房产的,他已向投资银行瑞德集团寻求帮助出售房产,这些房产负债大约20亿英镑。

    Mr Tchenguiz is acting on behalf of the Tchenguiz Family Trust and has spoken to investment bank Lazard to help sell the portfolio , which comes with £ 2 billion worth of debts .

  13. 为此,何鸿毅家族基金在香港总部聘有一名首席执行官及13名永久编制员工。

    " We try to create projects , and stay with them . " to that end , the foundation has a chief executive and a permanent staff of 13 in its Hong Kong headquarters .

  14. 希拉里未能将人们的注意力吸引到她希望摆在优先位置的问题上。媒体依然聚焦于克林顿家族基金收到的捐赠以及他们的个人财富。

    Mrs Clinton is failing to draw much attention on the issues she says she wants to prioritise , as headlines continue to focus on donations to the Clintons ' family foundation and their personal wealth .

  15. 这份遗嘱订立已有7年。据知情人士透露,迈克尔•杰克逊(MichaelJackson)的遗嘱将财产留给一个家族信托基金,该基金将把巨额财产分给他的三个孩子、他母亲以及慈善团体。

    Michael Jackson 's seven-year-old will bequeaths his estate to a family trust , which in turn is to distribute his sizable assets among his three children , his mother and charities , according to people with knowledge of the trust 's terms .

  16. 通过两总体均值检验(t检验),Wilcoxon秩和检验,配对检验以及Binomial检验等四种方法,我们发现家族内基金的平均相关系数显著高于家族间基金的平均相关系数。

    Based on four tests ( simple t test , wilcoxon rank test , pair wise test , and binomial test ), we find that the average correlation coefficient within the family is significantly higher than the correlation coefficient between the family and outside families .

  17. 基金家族与基金业绩相关关系实证研究

    Empirical Research into the Relationship between Fund Families and Fund Performance

  18. 杰克逊家族信托基金的委托条款没有公布。

    But the terms of the Michael Jackson Family Trust haven 't been made public .

  19. 保罗的祖父倒是立下了一笔家族信托基金,但管理得一塌湖涂。

    Paul 's grandfather did set up a family trust fund , but it 's been horribly mismanaged .

  20. 后来,这个理财机构发展到为其他家族、基金会和机构提供财富和资产管理服务。

    It has since developed into a provider of wealth and asset management services to other families , foundations and institutions .

  21. 一名洛杉矶法官已作出决定,在不丧失与家族信托基金分享的前提下,迈克·杰克逊的母亲能够挑战其子的遗产管理人。

    Michael Jackson 's mother can challenge the administrators of his estate without losing her share in a family trust , a Los Angeles judge has ruled .

  22. 凯瑟琳·杰克逊的律师表示,尽管杰克逊的遗愿里包含一条不与家族信托基金“不争夺”的条款,她还是希望拥有更多遗产的决定权。

    Katherine Jackson 's lawyers had said she wanted more say in the estate even though Jackson 's will contained a " no contest " clause to the family trust .

  23. 首先,分别从基金家族和基金个体层面分析了资金流与基金评级的关系,验证了明星基金的明星效应与溢出效应的存在性。

    Firstly , We analyzes the relationship between the cash flow and fund rating from the fund family and fund individual level respectively , proving the existence of the star effect and spillover effect for star funds .

  24. 默多克家族的信托基金控制了21世纪福克斯公司和新闻集团(NewsCorporation)将近40%拥有表决权的股份,而鲁伯特·默多克在该基金中比他的子女拥有更多的权利。

    The Murdoch family trust controls almost 40 percent of the voting shares of both 21st Century Fox and News Corporation , and Rupert Murdoch has more rights in the trust than his children .

  25. 从规模的角度看,规模越大的基金家族出现明星基金的概率相对较高。

    From the point of view of the scale , the larger the fund family is more likely produce star fund .

  26. 任何未经授权之局部或全部之英译作品,在网站或在外以任何形式出版,都是明白之盗窃行为,直接侵犯了牟先生、牟氏家族与本基金会之权益。

    Any publication , in print , on the web , or in other forms , of any unauthorized translations , in whole or in part , is an explicit infringement of Mou 's and FSCPC 's rights .

  27. 洛克菲勒家族在鲁西斯信托基金会和联合国扮演了重要角色。

    The Rockefellers have played a role in Lucis Trust and the United Nations .

  28. 鉴于基金流量对基金管理者和股市监管者的重要性,本文利用非平衡面板数据实证分析了基金家族特征是否影响基金流量。

    Given the importance of fund flows for fund managers and the supervisors of stock market , this paper examines whether fund families affect fund flows based on unbalanced panel data .

  29. 基金投资者希望尽可能多地获得业绩回报,而基金管理者希望尽可能地扩大基金家族的规模,基金投资者和基金管理者之间利益不一致导致道德风险的产生。

    Fund investors want to get more performance returns , while fund managers hope to expand the size of the fund families as much as possible . The inconsistency between their interests may lead to moral hazards .

  30. 这是一个因盖茨家族兴趣和热情而发起建立的家族基金会。

    This is a family foundation driven by the interests and passions of the Gates family .