
  1. 发展本科层次高等职业教育是培养高级技能人才、对接高中教育、满足受教育者全面发展要求,实现我国经济、社会良性发展的必然选择。

    Developing higher vocational education of undergraduate course level is to cultivate skillful people and is geared to the needs of senior high school education and educated people , and an inevitable choice of realizing the economic and social development benignly in China .

  2. 开办本科层次的高等职业教育是社会发展的客观要求,而办好本科层次高等职业教育的关键是把握本科教育的类型结构,摆正本科层次的高职教育在整个本科教育中的位置。

    Running higher vocational education in undergraduate level is requirement of social develop-ment . The key to making it in good condition is commanding the type constructure of undergraduate , and putting the higher vocational education in the proper position of the whole undergraduate education .