
  1. 本文讨论类p-Laplacian方程Dirichlet问题的无穷多解的存在性问题,在某些条件下,通过对称形式的山路引理,得到了该问题的无穷多解的存在性。

    In this paper we consider the existence of infinite solutions of the following Dirichlet problem for p-Laplacian-type equations . Under some natural conditions , we prove the above problem has infinite solutions by a symmetric version of the Mountain Pass Theorem .

  2. 本文论证类前馈解耦的原理及其应用条件。

    In this paper , the principles and its application conditions are shown .

  3. 因此,本文对类椭圆物的检测也进行了深入的研究。

    Thus , the ellipse detection problem is studied in this master dissertation .

  4. 本文采用类人气动肌肉,设计了一种双自由度的类人上肢。

    The design of a 2 degrees of freedom imitating human upper extremity is proposed in this thesis .

  5. 本文对类星体的各种厚吸积盘模型,紫外超现象的吸积盘模型及自引力吸积盘模型作了简扼评述。

    The different kinds of think accretion disk models , the accretion disk model for ultraviolet excess and the self-gravitating accretion disk model in QSOs axe briefly reviewed .

  6. 针对已有聚类方法中存在的种种问题,本文根据类的定义和约束条件提出了基于数据连续性原理的聚类方法。

    Because traditional clustering methods exist in a number of problems , This paper presents a classification method based on the continuity of data under the class definition and constraints .

  7. 本文引入一类关于模糊(Fuzzy)映象的新的广义补余问题,构造出一类新的迭代算法。

    In this paper we introduce a new class of generalized complementarity problems for the fuzzy mappings and construct a new iterative algorithm .

  8. 本文研究一类特殊的空间Ha,p,赋以H(?)

    In this paper , We discuss a special kind of space H_ ( a , p ) With H (?)

  9. 本文结合E类放大器参数方程分析了基于E类放大器的经皮信号传输方法。

    Combining design equations of class-E amplifier , we have offered the methodology of transcutaneous signal transmission with a class-E amplifier .

  10. 为提高绘图效率,本文以轴类零件为例,研究了通用CAD程序式参数化绘图的接口软件。

    To improve the drawing 's efficiency , the interface software of common CAD based programmed parametric drawing for the shaft parts is studied .

  11. 本文对一类具有对称轴的图An(n≥0),得到了它的特征多项式及匹配多项式的精确表达式;同时还得到A(?)

    For a class of graphs , see Fig 1 denoted by A_n , with an axis of symmetry , we obtained its explicit expressions of characteristic polynomial and matching polynomial .

  12. 本文讨论一类连续而无处可微的复值函数,给出其图象的box维数与packing维数的表达式。

    In this paper , we have discussed some continuous but nowhere differentiable complex valued functions , and obtained the box and the packing dimensions expressions for graphs of the functions .

  13. 本文研究一类主部是m-Laplace算子的拟线性退化抛物方程组的Cauchy问题。

    This paper is devoted to the Cauchy problem of the degenerate quasilinear parabolic systems with p-Laplace operator in the principal part .

  14. 本文利用一类广义Green关系讨论了一类非正则半群一右完全半群,它是完全单半群半格的一种非正则扩张。

    In this paper , by using a class of the generalized Green equivalences , the authors study a class of irregular semigroups ── right complete semigroups , which are an irregular extension of completely simple semigroup semilattices .

  15. 设X是一个服从标准正态分布的随机变量,即X~N(0,1),本文给出两类非线性函数f(x),使得f(X)仍然服从标准正态分布。

    Let X be a standard normal random variable . This paper gives two classes of nonlinear functions f ( x ) with the properties that f ( X ) is also a normally distributed random variable .

  16. 本文针对一类非饱和土壤水流问题,提出了基于二次插值的特征差分格式,得到了严谨的L2模误差估计。

    In this paper , a characteristic finite difference method based on quadratic interpolation for an unsaturated soil water flow problem is studied . L2-error estimate is derived .

  17. 本文研究一类分数极大算子(包含一些已知的结果作为特殊情况),在Lorentz空间的四权弱型不等式。

    The author studies a very general operator which includes the known results as particular cases and proves the four-weights weak type inequality on Lorentz spaces .

  18. 本文针对一类时滞Cohen-Grossberg神经网络进行了稳定性分析。

    The stability analysis for a class of delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks is carried out in this dissertation .

  19. 本文针对五类食品中AFB1的前处理作了方法学研究。

    The evaluation of methodology was studied in this paper according to the pretreatment of the five kinds of foods .

  20. 本文以箱体类零件为例,对CAD/CAM集成技术进行了深入的研究,提出了形状特征关系图、基于投标的自治工艺规化方法等一些新概念,并对其进行了深入的论述。

    In this dissertation , taking box parts for example , integrated CAD / CAM technology is studied and discussed . Some new ideas of form feature relationship diagram and bidding based autonomous process planning method etc are presented and discussed .

  21. 本文研究一类具有无穷时滞的概周期Lotka-Volterra型N-种群竞争系统的持久性和全局渐近稳定性。

    In this paper we study the permanence and global asymptotic stability of a class of almost periodic Lotka-Volterra type N-species competitive systems with infinite delays .

  22. 本文对几类主要的免疫抑制剂的作用机理以及在异体造血干细胞移植中作为预防和治疗GVHD的应用作一综述。

    The active mechanism of several main immunosuppressants and the experience in prophylaxis and treatment of GVHD in allogenic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation were reviewed in this essay .

  23. 此外,本文针对一类SISO系统,在有模型参数误差存在的情况下,证明了在无时延传输,固定时延两类情况下系统的稳定性充要条件。

    At last , under two transfer modes , the necessary and sufficient condition for closed-loop stability of a class of SISO systems with model error is derived .

  24. 为简单起见,本文使用HSSF类。

    For the sake of simplicity , this article uses HSSF classes .

  25. 本文提出循环类分解和等模类分解法,解决了M-QAM系统中载波相位估计量〔1〕的统计分析问题。

    In this paper , the decomposition method of circular class and equal modulus class is presented . The problem of statistical analysis of carrier phase estimation in M-QAM system is discussed .

  26. 本文给出一类离散指数型线性积分修正插值算子,而且借助Cauchy主值积分给出了其在Lp(-∞,∞)中的收敛速度。

    This paper gives a kind of modified discrete interpolating integrable op - erators of exponential type , studies its properties of approximation and gives the rate of convergence with the help of Cauchy principle value of integral .

  27. 本文提出一类改进的BFGS算法,并采用Goldstein线搜索来研究一般非凸目标函数极小化问题,并证明了该算法的全局收敛性。

    In this paper , we propose a new BFGS algorithm for the no convex unconstrained optimization problems . And it prove that the method with Goldstein type line search converges globally .

  28. 本文针对一类采用图像块方法描述的图像,提出两种快速、有效的计算Legendre矩的新方法,它们分别是累加方法和积分方法。

    In this paper , on the basis of representing images with blocks , we present two algorithms , cumulative method and integral method , for fast and effective computation of the two-dimensional Legendre moments .

  29. 本文提出一类含有羧甲磺酰基(&SO2CH2COOH)的新的水溶性分散染料。

    This paper studies water soluble disperse dyes containing carboxy-methyl-sulfonyl group ( - SO2CH2COOH ) .

  30. 本文研究一类三次kolmogorov系统解的定性行为,给出了系统解的有界性与极限环存在性的充分条件。

    The qualitative behave of a cubic kolmogorov system was investigated in this paper , and the sufficient conditions for the boundedness of solutions and the existence of limit cycles of the system are given .