
  1. 华山为我国道教组织三大发祥地之一

    Huashan Mount : one of the three sources of Taoism

  2. 起义者与太平教(一个秘密道教组织)关系密切,为此黄巾起义也是道教发展史上的重要事件。

    Since the rebels were associated with secret Taiping Taoist societies , the rebellion also marked an important event in the history of Taoism .

  3. 道教理论、组织日臻完善,民众宗教情绪潜滋暗长,为大规模宗教运动的爆发埋下了伏笔。

    The spread of the Taoism and the religious sentiment developed imperceptibly also lead to an outbreak of large-scale religious campaign .

  4. 综述20世纪以来日本的道教研究,重点介绍日本道教研究的特点,日本的道教研究组织及其开展的学术活动,并对日本道教研究的最新动态作出评价和展望。

    The author summarizes the research of Taoism in Japan since the 20th century , lays the stress on the features of Taoist studies in Japan , the relevant academic organizations and their academic activities , appraises and prospects for the latest developments of Taoist study in Japan .