
  1. 研究生应具备良好的道德素养和专业素质。

    Candidates should have good qualities of both morals and specialities .

  2. 加强图书馆员职业道德素养,服务和谐社会建设

    Strengthen Librarian Professional Ethics Accomplishment , Serve Harmonious Society Construction

  3. 在市场经济中,自主自立、公正公平、互利互惠、诚实守信、敢于创新是市场主体必备的伦理道德素养。

    Honesty and credit is main part of socialist market economy ethics .

  4. 主体性目的就是培养具有一定道德素养的公民;

    The main purpose is to cultivate moral qualities of our citizens .

  5. 他们的思想道德素养直接影响着其团队风气好坏与工作效率的高低。

    Their moral qualities affect the vogue and work efficiency of their teams .

  6. 网络社会:提高大学生道德素养的有效途径

    Internet Society : An Effective Way to Promote the Moral Qualities of College Students

  7. 辽宁省医患双方道德素养现状的调查与分析

    Research and Analysis of The Situation of Moral Quality of Doctor-patient Relationship in Liaoning Province

  8. 主要包括那些具有良好文化道德素养的传统中国商人和优秀的海外华人商人。

    They chiefly include traditional Chinese businessmen and excellent overseas businessmen with good cultural accomplishment .

  9. 论编辑人员的道德素养

    On The Moral Cultivation of Editing Staff

  10. 审计判断主体的改进措施:注册会计师要积累审计经验;提高职业道德素养和职业技能。

    The main improvements of auditors : accumulate the experience practicing and improve the professional ethics .

  11. 中学生思想道德素养的养成和提升是十分重要和有意义的。

    Middle school students ' Ideological and ethical attainments cultivation and promotion is very important and meaningful .

  12. 然而,在长期的理论研究和财务管理实践中,人们重理财技术的开发、应用而轻财务文化建设,由此导致财务人员职业道德素养低下及一系列财务丑闻发生。

    However , the cultural feature of Financial Management has long been ignored in research and in practice .

  13. 礼仪是个人高尚道德素养的外化和社会文明进步的重要标志。

    Etiquette which is externalization of the moral accomplishment is an important symbol of social civilization and progress .

  14. 历来教师素质即教师的文化、道德素养总是处在当时社会的较高水准上。

    Teachers ' quality , that is civilized and educational cultivation , ranks at the higher social level .

  15. 神圣的使命要求青年教师必须具备扎实的教学、科研能力和良好的职业道德素养。

    The profession itself requires that they have solid capability in both teaching and research and sound professional ethics .

  16. 公务员是政府运行的实际操作者,其道德素养对政府政策的制定和执行有着深刻的影响;

    Civil servants are the operators running the government , whose moral quality affects the constituting executing government policies .

  17. 近一年的助教经历培养了个人良好的表达能力、以及良好的职业道德素养。

    Assistant for nearly a year personal training experience good speaking skills and a good quality of professional ethics .

  18. 除了受众,媒体工作者也要提高业务素质和道德素养,做好网络媒体的把关人。

    Journalists should improve their professional quality and moral qualities , been conscientious and made a good job of news .

  19. 有助于提高公民的道德素养水平,促进公民追求和谐的自觉意识,为和谐社会的构建提供道德资源;

    To raising the citizens ' moral qualities and their pursuing of harmonious conscientious consciousness , to providing moral resources ;

  20. 第一是政治意识素养,包括政治理论素养、政治法律素养、政治道德素养、政治心理素养。

    The first is accomplishment of political consciousness , including political theory , political laws , political morality and political psychology .

  21. 现代法官应具有全面的知识结构,丰富的社会经验和司法实践经验,优良的司法职业能力和良好的职业道德素养。

    Modern judges should have comprehensive knowledge , rich social experience and judicial experience , excellent professional ability and good judicial career professional ethics .

  22. 学员骨干在某种意义上说是学员中的精英分子,思想道德素养和工作作风对学员有着直接的影响。

    They are the elites of the students in some sense . Their moral qualities and work styles have direct influence on the students .

  23. 因此,大学生道德素养提升研究是具有重大理论意义和现实意义的课题。

    Therefore , the research on enhancing the moral qualities of the college students is a subject with a significant theoretical and realistic meaning .

  24. 它的发生与教师的法律意识淡薄、职业道德素养低下、教育艺术缺乏等因素有关。

    Its emergence is relevant to some factors that the teachers'legal consciousness is faint , professional ethics accomplishment is low , educational art is lack etc.

  25. 第三,在加强教师队伍的建设中,要把教师道德素养的高低作为对其考核的重要标准。

    Thirdly , in the development of teaching staff it is necessary to refer to teacherss moral standards as one of the criteria in their appraisal .

  26. 论马克思主义哲学课的教育境界塑造大学生的道德素养和思想品格是马克思主义哲学课的主要目的。

    On the Educational Ideal in the Course of Marxism The purpose of the course of Marxism is to mold the college students ' morality and personality .

  27. 大学生在参与志愿服务的过程中,锻炼了自己的综合能力,自觉接受集体主义和爱国主义教育,提升了自身道德素养。

    During the course of volunteering service , the students would receive the education of collectivism and patriotism self-consciously , and rise their moral quality and ability .

  28. 教师对教育事业的热爱、渊博的知识、极强的语言表达能力、熟练的教学方法和技巧、良好的道德素养,以及非凡的人格魅力,乃是教师充分发挥自身教学积极性的关键。

    Teacher 's love for teaching , profound knowledge , lofty capacity of language expression , experienced teaching methods , noble moral accomplishment and divine personality charm .

  29. 高校是教书育人的重要场所,不仅要向学生传授知识、技能,培养能力,同时要重视培养大学生良好的道德素养和完美人格。

    University is the important place for teaching and education , where knowledge , skills and abilities are taught and sound moral qualities and perfect personality are trained .

  30. 大学新生从不同的地域和家庭环境来到大学,加之应试教育追求高分,学子们的道德素养有很大的差异。

    Coming from different areas and family backgrounds with the pressure of exam-orientated education to pursue high marks , freshmen vary greatly from one to another in morality .